Dockerfile for specific image: homeassistant/intel-nuc-homeassistant

I’ve found the in the github repo, the generic(?) on docker-hub, but how to I find the specific dockerfile used for the image I am running?

I just upgraded to 0.104.x and HA fails because the image doesnt contains pybluez…So i thought I’d give it a try with my own image…if nothing else since I am trying to build a sip-notify module.

It should at least be possible to generate it somehow?

Did you read this

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Since I wasn’t really looking for the Dockerfile in order to do development, just troubleshooting image creation/contents.

I’ll have a look anyway, since I am trying to build a new integration.

I have found was I was looking for in the repo, in:

Didnt think to look there, since I am running native docker.