Float is a superset of integer, yes, but in this case the plugin has special handling for integer and maintaining integer types, so it is different as I should indicate that type(float) and type(int) are supported
The user does not need to know that though. If you specify it as float they can enter 4.5 or 4. It makes no difference to them. Have a look at some of the other docs, like input number. That can take both float and int but only float is specified.
ok, thanks. I will follow that then.
BTW … can you let somebody know that the link in the build error is wrong?
I have no idea where the source for it is, and what the correct link should be
Liquid Exception: Configuration type ‘integer or float’ for key ‘nn’ is not a valid type in the documentation. See: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/documentation_create_page.html#configuration in…