Documentation link

I need to add a vlan to my HA Yellow ethernet port. After a while googling etc I discover that I need to use the ha network command. I found a couple mentions and some examples, but not exactly the parameters I need.

How do I find the documentation that describes this command?

As HA officially does not support vlans, I doubt you will find official documentation.

has the following from 2018:

Looks like there was an interface rename within the HA container from eth0 to end0

As well you can now use ‘ha’ to create a new network vlan interface immediately without rebooting and without the use of nmcli

ha network vlan end0 3 --ipv4-method static --ipv4-nameserver --ipv4-address --ipv4-gateway

You can always use “help” in the console.

ha network vlan --help

Create a new VLAN on an ethernet interface. It allows setting an initial IP config.
This function works only on an ethernet interface!

ha network vlan [interface] [id] [flags]


ha network vlan eth0 10 --ipv4-method auto --ipv6-method disabled

-h, --help help for vlan
–ipv4-address stringArray IPv4 address for the interface in the
–ipv4-gateway string The IPv4 gateway the interface should use
–ipv4-method string Method on IPv4: static|auto|disabled
–ipv4-nameserver stringArray IPv4 address of upstream DNS servers. Use multiple times for multiple servers.
–ipv6-address stringArray IPv6 address for the interface in the 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334/64
–ipv6-gateway string The IPv6 gateway the interface should use
–ipv6-method string Method on IPv6: static|auto|disabled
–ipv6-nameserver stringArray IPv6 address for upstream DNS servers. Use multiple times for multiple servers.

Global Flags:
–api-token string Home Assistant Supervisor API token
–config string Optional config file (default is $HOME/.homeassistant.yaml)
–endpoint string Endpoint for Home Assistant Supervisor (default is ‘supervisor’)
–log-level string Log level (defaults to Warn)
–no-progress Disable the progress spinner
–raw-json Output raw JSON from the API

The above example will create vlan 10 on the existing interface in DHCP mode.