Documentation says the MPD integration can't add songs to the playlist. Why not?

(I originally posted this months ago on Reddit but there were no responses.)

From the docs:

Unfortunately you will not be able to manipulate the playlist (add or delete songs) or add transitions between the songs.

Why not? Is it just an unimplemented feature waiting for a developer who cares enough to implement it, or is there some reason it’s impossible?

Hi tremby,

One of these most likely…

  • It has not been written
  • It has been written, but it was rejected because of some architecture or security problem.
  • It has been written and is under review.
  • If can’t be written for one reason or another.

I don’t personally know the answer,but generally things that are not there at this point are that way for one of thise reasons.

Yes, I’m hoping somebody knows which of those it might be.