Is it possible to systematic document weather temperature and other sensors to a google docs or sheets?
You could do this leveraging the IFTTT component. It allows you to post payloads and IFTTT can talk to Google Docs.
Sounds great, but i cant figure out the setup in HA. How should it look to send temperatur at a specifik time each day?
Ues the time platform as a trigger.
- platform: time
after: '14:00'
That one i get, but i cant figure out how i can define the value i want to send to home assistant.
i vant to use sensor.135_temperature value
Post what you’ve got so far. You’ll likely need to use templates to get the value.
Automation. I need som helt with data_template
alias: Loggbok temperature kl 12:00
platform: time
after: '12:00:00'
service: script.ifttt_temperature
And also with my script.
alias: temperature Loggbok
- service: ifttt.trigger
data_template: {"event": "weather", value 1: "states.sensor.135_temperature.state"}
I only get states.sensor.135_temperature.state written in my google sheets. I want the current value written. That is my problem.
Use the template dev tool to work out the correct template. Something like:
{"event": "weather", "value1": "{{states.sensor.135_temperature.state}}"}
When i call
{"event": "weather", "value1": "{{states.sensor.135_temperature.state}}"}
i don’t get any value.
Error rendering template: TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ‘end of print statement’, got ‘_temperature’
Does this work in your template dev tool?
You might have an issue with quoting . Try it like this
- service: ifttt.trigger
data_template: >
{"event": "weather", "value1": "{{states.sensor.135_temperature.state}}"}
I don’t use IFTTT to test. Work through the examples for syntax.
No That didn’t work for me i dev tool.
Error rendering template: TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of print statement', got '_temperature'
{% for state in states.sensor %}
{{ state.entity_id}}={{ state.state }},
{% endfor %}
i get information about all sensor. is it possible to take out only temperature from a specific sensor?
Now i get value1 i dev tool, but i don’t get the value written to my google sheets. I get timestamp and weather. I use this template after configure my sensors from tellstick
{"event": "weather", "value1": "{{states.sensor.nere_temperature.state}}"}
can you sloved this problem?