Does a temperature sensor 433 Mhz work in a refrigerator?

I am wondering if a temperature sensor 433 MHz work in a refrigerator. do the walls of a refrigerator stop the signal or not ?

for example this one :

What do you use to check the temperature ?

I use the Xiaomi sensor in your link in the fridge and it works fine. I have the Aqara hub around 5 meters from the fridge. The Xiaomi sensor is a Zigbee sensor though, not 433 Mhz.

The Xiaomi sensor is a Zigbee sensor though, not 433 Mhz.

Thanks, i searched for a 433 Mhz, so I assumed this was one.

I use an Acurite 433Mhz Refrigerator and Freezer Sensor. My receiver is about 20 feet away. It works perfectly.

I also use a 433 Mhz sensor in a metal mailbox around 40 meters from the house, and that too works fine. I have a larger 433 Mhz external antenna, like this one.

Thnx, so no problems to expect.