Does Alexa Media Player still exist?

I am wanting to set up my Alexa devices so I can make them speak using tts. I can get tts to work on my sonos speakers, but the Alexa speakers are not visible. I have found some videos about installing Alexa Media Player, but the instructions no longer apply (it says use i teerst ions, but it’s not there). I can find the GitHub project, but there is no integration button, and I don’t know how to do it manually.

I have installed the Alexa Integration that does exist (not media player)

Yes it still exists and works.

If you do not know how to do the Manual Install, follow the directions in the section Installation: Easy Mode and use HACS.

Que??? (10)

That depends on the certificate and ciphers you are using.

When e.g. nginx as reverse proxy, not all functionality is there as amazon seems not to totally accept all ciphers used there :man_shrugging:

Im pretty sure its dead :frowning:

There are updates in the github form recent days (3 and 4 days ago respectively)

I don’t have an alexa so cannot test.

Yeah I think its just version bumps. The main thing that people were using this for (I think) the media player part is dead. It doesn’t update the players anymore. I guess its just for TTS usage now

Hey guys,

Does it seem that the media player is reliable again?

New release 2 days ago, you tell us.

Why would I ask, if I wasn’t trying to get other peoples experience.

In that case you would surely post your own experience and ask for comments. Perhaps you just like others to do it for you?

You’re right its insane! What was I thinking, being interested in other peoples opinions and experiences.

But don’t worry! Nicks here to make sure and let us know, how we are doing it all wrong.

Thank god you’re here!

Now lets spend a bunch more posts, being completely off topic talking about how right you are, I gotta tell ya… Im excited!

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Spot on! —>

Just updated Alexa Media Player addon to version 4.9.0

It says added suport for Amazon Smart Plug.

How do I use this?

Kindly guide

I’ve used it for years, mostly without issues. Still going strong for me with 18 Alexa devices

Make sure you have “Include devices connected via Echo” enabled in the integration configuration menu, then reload the integration. Your plug should appear as a switch entity with the name it has in the Alexa app.

Yes, its showing now after a restart. Thank you so much.

Amazon Plug goes offline after some time in homeassistant. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

I´m getting the same issue for quite some time… wondering if is there any replacement to make HA send notifications