Does Aliexpress or similar have M28 to M30 adapters for radiator valves (TRV)?

For a project I am about to do, I want to attach smart thermostatic radiator valves to heating radiators of a central heating system.

These radiators have Herz and Comap radiator valves. It is possible to attach TRVs for m28 screwing thread on this. However the TRVs I want to use, need M30 and an adapter isn’t included.
For this situations, there are adapters like these:


However, as I need quite a lot of these, does anyone know if these are on Aliexpress as well? I couldn’t find them there, but maybe didn’t use the right search keywords.

I would not recommend cheap Chinese stuff from aliexpress for reliability.

I used them with my first Z-Wave sensors and have since replaced then all due to various quality issues including not functioning, excessive battery drain, and delayed functionality.

Hi Prodigyplace,

I agree with you on realibility (and safety) of cheap aliexpress stuff. However for more simpler and low voltage stuff, like the adapters I am looking for, Aliexpress can come in hand.

The sensors I had the most issues with were low voltage stuff. Actually I have some mains voltage plugin switches that have not yet given me issues but they are only used occasionally

Smart Home equipment is not usually classed as simple. A manual valve is simple. ;).

I can’t believe how much they cost ! Have you a 3D printer ?

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Interesting idea. I don’t have a 3D printer, but I can have a look at that option.

I understand what you mean. With the low voltage things I was referring to the safety aspect. However the adapters I am looking for are non-electric, just simple parts that are used for fitting a (smart) TRV.