Does anyone know how to reproduce a mp3 from configuration.yaml?

Im trying to make my Home Assitant to reproduce a mp3 after i turn on or off a switch but i dont find a way, im using Raspberry Pi 3 with the operative system and file editor to change config/configuration.yaml but i dont get how to start a mp3 after a switch is on

Setup an automation and when you get to actions, setup your trigger to be based off the status change of the switch, then you can choose the player and where to pick the media from.

You will need a media player that will play local files

Here is a great article about this exact topic.

Play Local Media

Okay its pretty usefull but im stuck now in a part where he adds his mp3 file, In his video there is a panel that does not appear to me

and i have this

Did you choose the action Play Media OR did you choose the Call Service and then choose Play Media as the service?

Now i realize i was calling action, thanks bro, you really saved my live

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