Does anyone use the new shelly pro 4 em with mqtt?

I read the documentation of the new integration with mqtt but I can’t figure out what topic to use in the switch or sensors.Completely different from the old shelly models. Can anyone help me with this?

Run MQTT Explorer to see topics yourself

I have started mqtt explorer but the arguments are completely different from the old shellys and I cannot interpret them.



when one channel is on

when the same channel is off

I found that if you select “Generic status update over MQTT” on your EM Pro, you then can use something like this:

name: "Household Apparent Power"
unique_id: "household_floor_apparent_power"
unit_of_measurement: "VA"
icon: mdi:lightning-bolt-circle
state_topic: "shellies/shellyem3pro-metter/status/em:0"
value_template: "{{ value_json.a_aprt_power }}"

Hope it helps.