Need to convert an RTSP stream to HTTP and I was wondering if that’s what happens with HA using the ONVIF integration? If so, is there a way to get the HTTP address for a given stream in my HA?
Welcome to the community!!
AFAIK, HA does expose integrated camera feed in the form of http(s) URL, RTSP or not.
But currently that’s limited by the camera access token required which refreshes every 5 min.
If you still want to try, in Developer Tools/state, you will find something like this for your camera:
access_token: 999993f260ba9e8293b70500163f25eece7fb140be59d745b308509f956709df
friendly_name: basement
entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.basement?token=999993f260ba9e8293b70500163f25eece7fb140be59d745b308509f956709df
supported_features: 0
Copy the entity_picture attribute and add the URL of your HA:
Use this URL in your browser, it should show a live stream of your camera for at most 5 min.
The live stream will stop when the access_token refreshes.
Also, camera_proxy gives a snapshot (full detail in REST API)
You may want to check out this discussion also
Have fun