Does ha work with NO cloudflair?

Hello everyone,
I am new in hassio. I already have some experience in home automation, and I came across a problem in my first test that I cannot resolve.

I have plugins in the browser that block some scripts. I noticed that ha does not work offline.
Can someone help me turn it off? Where do I have to search for it? Have already looked in the container DNS, but that didn’t help me.
I don’t think it’s so good that a local system don´ twork without the connection to the Internet - in this case
When I deactivate in the browser, e.g. no icons where shown and no file can be opened in the File Editor.

I want be able to switch the light even when the internet does not work :frowning:
Thanks in advance

Do you mean cloudflare?

What kind of device are you running HA on? If the device has no real time clock (like an RPi), then HA requires a time server to get the time. Default that is set to an internet one. If you have access to a time server, then HA can work without internet by pointing it to that. You can also add a RTC to an RPI.

Usually, routers can serve as a time server, so setting HA to get the time from that might solve your problem of HA not booting without internet. HA does rely on internet for things like updates. How Cloudflair (Cloudflare) factors in to it I do not understand. Cloudflare can make your home assistant acessible from the internet, but obviously not when internet is down.

Hi Edwin,
my hardware is an raspi 4. The system has internet of course. But ich have in my pihole a block for cloudflare and in my firefox also.
i test the ha first time. and the first addon i have installed was the file editor. there i get the problem, that in the browser (firefox) not shows icons ( the little folder icons) an i can not open a file. i can see the list, but there is noting to open.
but, if i allow ini browser, suddenly the icons are visible and i can open any file in the list.
that is wiered in my opinion. All files are local and can not opend untils access to web? ???

i am looking for a way to confige the docker container e.g. with .env file ore so, fore my own dns. is this official allowed / supported?

First thing to check would be the DNS settings in Settings, System, Network to see if either the IPv4 or IPv6 DNS servers still list Cloudflare servers.

there is ipv6 disabled, and ipv4 konfigured as dhcp.
there is my pihole as 1. dns and my firewall as second. that are also the aktual values in ha. perfect.
but in depth cloudflare is configured in one of the dns docker container. i don´t know why thist must be, i have not and will also not configure an remote access to the ha server

If it is the file editor only: I switched to Studio Code and never looked back.

oops, the first i try is where ich spend al lot time for nothing. i have deinstalled it. Thank you for the infos.
so i can try more and maybe i find a new super system for my some lights :slight_smile:

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