Does Home Assistant support Matter v1.3 device type Electrical sensor (0x0510)?

The release log for Matter server shows that version 6.0.0 has been updated to Matter v1.3. We’ve implemented the required clusters for the electrical sensor device type, but when pairing the device via the Home Assistant app, no UI components are displayed to show energy information.

The clusters we’ve implemented are:

  1. Power Topology (0x009C)
  2. Electrical Power Measurement (0x0090)
  3. Electrical Energy Measurement (0x0091)

We’re currently using Matter server version 6.3.1. Does Home Assistant support the Matter electric sensor (0x0510) device type or any of the clusters mentioned above?

BTW, if you are a Matter device developer, I would recommend signing up for Home Assistant on Discord. There is a channel dedicated for Matter that the HA Matter developers can help you with.

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