Does Home Assistant work with Raspberry PI 8G Model?

I’m moving from SmartThings WiFi Hub over to HomeAssistant & was wondering if HA works on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (8 GB model)?

Depends how you install it! I’ve got it running on an 8G Pi 4, by installing it on top of RaspOS (Previously known as Raspian) using the Debian community install instructions.I understand that HassOS doesn’t yet support the 8Gb variety.
By using the Raspberry Pi beta firmware my install is booting from an SSD which improves the speed no end!

Not in native install, I think, but fine installing on Rasp OS. The eeprom released as beta on 03-06-2020 for RaspOS allows it to boot from my NVME SSD.

Thanks for the reply & your time. I’m getting my Raspberry PI tomorrow. Is there instructions for installing on RaspOS? Also will install HA on RaspOS give me the addon store?

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