Does not finish erasing the firmware

Hi friends. They record several devices but on a sonoff s20 socket I can’t get it to complete the firmware recording.
It connects and stays in a loop when it starts to erase. The states through which it passes are connecting and erasing and from there it does not come out. Does something happen to them? It was working with tasmota. Thanks

logs ? no help without it !

Thanks for answering. The problem is that it doesn’t get to start recording. It stays deleting and I can’t finish deleting. I think I’m not doing anything wrong since I recorded several. I don’t have a log because I haven’t been able to record it yet. How do I see the log of what it does when recording?

Just do a select/paste of all texts displayed by esphome window that shows up when you try to do the compile/upload of code to understand what is your problem ! without that impossible to diagnose :frowning: t worse a screen capture :wink:

This is what it shows when installing the firmware and it stays there. If you select prepare for adoption install it. If I see at the moment in which I am going to record a log, it does not show anything.

Log before recording. Use fing a program to see if it is connected to the network and it does not appear
Code yaml

  name: enchufe-wifi-luz-balcon

  board: esp8285
# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "55500ac401870baa67c63a7f980920bb"

  ssid: "Micronet_2.4_EXT"
  password: !secret wifi_password

After executing prepare for adoption it tries to connect to the wifi as something automatic but it does not succeed.

I don’t know if it takes the secret yaml data to connect to the wifi, if so it’s not working.

There is a DNS failure. What does nslookup enchufe-wifi-luz-balcon.local tell you?

C:\Users\54911>nslookup enchufe-wifi-luz-balcon.local

Respuesta no autoritativa:

Could the 8266 have burned? I recorded several devices and this is the only one that is giving me a problem

Possibly. Is it on your network? Does your DHCP server recognise it as being on the network? Can you ping it?

Use a program to view connected and unapproved devices. For this I believe it is necessary to function. In my red internally connected device.
Verify the code and it’s fine. In fact, others were recorded and they worked. Thanks for the answers.

Something was lost in translation there.

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Sorry. oh i corrected it thanks

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