Does one HA read from another HA?

i have HA running on my PC for a few months now.
it is working fine and i finally took the efford to install HA on my raspberry.

after some startup trouble i have it running.
so i copied my config files to the pi and restarted HA.

off course not everything was like it should be. some paths had to be changed.
so i did that and restarted again.

and then the strange part:
in the version running on the raspberry i get the error that he cant find the mysensors gateway on com4.
Obvious because a) it istnt com4 and b) i havent changed the gateway to that location. (it still hangs on my PC)
but strange enough, HA on the raspberry finds the mysensors sensos and gives the right values (the same values as the PC version of HA gives)

how does the HA on the raspberry know those sensorvalues?
if i look at the log it keeps telling me that he cant find COM4, but the sensors give COM4 as connection device.

it doesnt seem to update so i think that i accidently have copied the json file too, when i copied the config files.