I’ve been recently purchasing and converting the Merkury smart plugs from Walmart with very good success recently and decided to take a crack at one is their colored light bulbs (A21) and instantly flashed tasmota instantly. It’s now that I’m beginning to realize that while the white part of the light is supported and working the colour does not. It’s there anything I’m missing or should I go back to stock firmware (assuming it’s even possible) or an I stuck?
I am aware that some RGBW bulbs can work with esphome. There is a howto here (although you don’t need to do the tuya-convert stage as you have already done it. You can use tasmota to upload the esphome firmware.
I do not know if the bulb on that page is anything like yours, but I hope it helps.
I did some digging on google about ESPhome and the bulb and I ended up finding this here which what I figured out to be a configuration for esphome. So, I decided to try that (never used it before) and was able to flash esphome over and configure it using the above linked file as an example. The only issue that I am having (and i’m not sure if I can solve it the way the hardware of the chip is done) but I have two new light entities for the same bulb now. One for the colour RGB and the other for the W. Got to figure out how to merge the two but this is a really good start. Need to look up more on ESPhome just so I don’t brick something accidentally.
I had the white part of the bulb working with that code but there was no colour wheel available on the tasmota frontend. Not sure what to do from there.
any luck getting the two light entities tied together? My work-around for now is naming them ‘hall’ and ‘hallcolor’ so I can tell google ‘make hall color blue’ and just ‘turn on hall’ for white. Not super elegant
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