Does the home companion app work without enabling remote access on Nabu Casa

I currently have my home assistant connected to Nabu Casa, on the companion app for android I have set my external and internal site addresses. What I would like to know is if it is required to have the remote control section enabled for receiving sensor updates from the companion app? The reason I ask this is because I also see some webhooks being created for each companion app and would preferably not want remote access always enabled.

The app has to send data to your instance so yes it needs to be externally accessible all the time to send data back.

Thanks, I will set up an automation to enable the remote future only when someone is away from home and disable it again when everyone is at home to limit it being enabled.

Speaking about all external access (not wifi), do you perhaps know how the webhooks work that are created by the companion app, do those also only have access to my instance when the remote toggle is active even though the Nabu Casa account is connected? Meaning the remote toggle enables/disables all remote Nabu Casa interactions with my local instance?

You can use it on your own Wifi network, and sensors report in without Nabu Casa. Remote is another story. I have not tried it, otherwise, and still use my Cloud Device mechanisms for direct device remote use.

Just an FYI. You can use HA without remote access via nabucasa with the app no matter what. If you have a legit domain name. I will update. Those webhooks will hunt you no matter what.