Is anyone using any mechanism for tracking the location of their dog or pet within Home Assistant?
If so please share details, I am looking for a simple solution preferably without subscription but not sure what options are best.
Is anyone using any mechanism for tracking the location of their dog or pet within Home Assistant?
If so please share details, I am looking for a simple solution preferably without subscription but not sure what options are best.
Since the last update, the “tractive” component is part of HA core. So this would be the easiest and best way, if you own a “tractive” tracker, but that is a subscription model.
I wouldn’t know of any dog tracking device, that is included in HA already. On the other hand I must say, I wouldn’t know of any other popular brand for dog tracking either…
If you want another tracker, you can always try to implement something on your own, depending on what that tracker provides. Some trackers, I’d call them DIY-tracker, have a small webserver running, that you could use.
I for one use the “tractive” tracker after a lot of research and looking around. You can get the tracker for around 25.-€ to 30.-€, if you watch out for a sale. The normal price is around 50.-€. The monthly subscription fees start at 5.-€ and have all I wanted included. I can live track the dog, I have cell reception in nearly every country, and I have the tracking in HA.
I know, something tells me, that could be done cheaper or better, but I haven’t found any reasonable way to do so. All in all I would recommend “tractive” as it is a good compomise in all belongings.
So, here you go, take a look and see if it fits your needs/wants:
My dog never leaves the house without her leash. The leash has a Tile bluetooth tracker attached to it and I added the device to both our phones. It’s not the most accurate solution since it will get the GPS coordinates from a paired phone, however… It is perfect for automating my Home Alarm since it knows when my dog is home or not (making sure that the alarm only triggers on door/window sensors and not on motion sensors whenever the dog is home)
Thanks @paddy0174 & @jimz011 !!
My requirements are actually quiet basic, my dog gets spooked by the home security alarm system so just trying to give him a break on the siren noise!
I will check out the details and post updates in few days.
Any chance you can share the yaml for this?
I have migrated to Node Red over a year ago, I don’t think I still have the yaml files.
I used to use a special collar to know my dog’s location. When my dog was small, he often ran away, so I bought one. But now I don’t use it because my dog is trained and listens to commands. I have a mental disorder, so I don’t have a regular dog, but a service dog. I filled out a form to register a service dog, and now I have benefits. Because my dog has the ID, I can go anywhere with my dog, even on an airplane.
Any new developments?