Domaine name

I would like to access home assistant from outside with a domain, for example “:
I’m in ipv6, and I wanted to configure let’s encrypt

Is it possible to do this?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Yes it’s possible, start with your domain name registrar and edit dns settings. AAAA record is used for IPv6. Remove A record to avoid confusion. Then make a port forward in your modem/router to your HA instance. Then install let’s encrypt add-on in HA (assuming you run HAOS) and follow documentation.

thank you for your help
I just tested my ipv6 address and I already have an error unfortunately.
i have access to the login page http://[4::83::e711:3::**]/#/login
but when I put my pass, it tells me it is wrong
yet it is right

Capture d’écran 2023-02-14 110754

I did it, the port was missing

Now I have a second problem, I can’t find let’s encrypt

That would be a mistake!
You need the A record for when you are on external networks without IPv6 enabled, unless you use an IPv6 tunnel on your external device, otherwise you might not be able to connect to your HA on some networks.

Let’s encrypt is an addon and not an integration.

And where would that A record point to? If your ISP don’t provide an IPv4 address?

True, if the ISP does not provide a public IPv4, then an A record is useless, but then again you would probably not have to remove it, since it should not be there in the first place. :slight_smile:

Most registrar’s put in an A record to their own hosting server, or a temporary server. And as far as I know A records have priority over AAAA records. So if there is an A record, he would never reach it’s own HA instance.

True, the RFC actually says that a domain name must have one A record for the domain name root.
AAAA is though usually resolved first, but it is dependent on how the program is made.
IPv6 is not a new thing and all the major developers have made IPv6 the first priority lookup long a go, so if the program relies on some Windows, Linux, Apple or Android builtin service, then IPv6 will be chosen first.

thank you for your reply
unfortunately I don’t have the addons option

Thank you for your answers
I have no problems with the domain, I know how to do it
thank you very much

What type of installation of HA do you have?
It’s only HA Operating System and HA Supervised installation, that have addons.
Other installations need you to maintain the addons and I have not looked into how that is done, so I can not help you there.

Thank you for your response
I have installed Home Assistant with Casa OS (, but unfortunately it does not contain the right version.