Donetick : a user friendly task and chore management addon

Hi there!
I want share with you a project I have been working on:

Donetick is a task and chore management tool that allows you to schedule recurring chores and easily track their completion. For each task, you can assign multiple people who can perform it, and you can choose how the assignee is selected (randomly, least completed, last completed, etc.). I built Donetick as an alternative to the wonderful Grocy, but with a different and modern UI, and a total focus on tasks and chores with more features

I’ve been using Donetick myself for a while and found it very helpful for me, so I decided to open-source it, and make it self-hostable, and I even created a Home Assistant add-on to make it easier to get started.

to check all the features please check Donetick website

Here is a summary :

  • Prioritized Task View: Focus on tasks due today, then overdue, and finally future or unscheduled tasks.
  • Flexible Assignment: Assign tasks to you or share them with others with customizable rotation strategies (random, least assigned, etc.).
  • Advanced Scheduling: Set recurring tasks (daily, weekly, etc.) or create custom schedules. Adaptive scheduling adjusts based on task completion frequency.
  • Automation: Trigger tasks based on conditions met through the API ( this is very early version of it)
  • Detailed History: Track due dates, completion times, assignees, and notes for each task.
  • Circles for Collaboration: Share tasks with others and only see relevant tasks within shared circles.
  • Notification thought telegram: Donetick can send telegram notification when the task is due or has been completed or when becomes overdue

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

Few things to keep in mind if you decide to use it:

  1. Donetick uses Telegram for notifications. This fit my workflow and was easier for me to implement being a personal project.

  2. This is a personal project, and I do not have plans for major updates or improvements in the near future. However, I would be very glad to receive contributions and review PRs. Please let me know before starting a contribution to make sure it aligns with the goals of the project.


History View:

Task/Chore View

Reserved for Future

This has so much potential, but I think you will find limited use from Home Assistant users in its current guise. The add-on appears to be just the self hosted product wrapped, with no integration in to Home Assistant. Another interface to look for the task list. Sorry - that isn’t something I personally would be interested in. Home Assistant is my interface, you need to interface with that.

The first thing I went for is rubbish collection, but rubbish collection is hard. Different bins on different days, changes for public holidays etc. Plus I have that information in HA already.

What you need to do is create a proper integration, which works either with the add on or your hosted version. This integration at a basic level needs to do three things which I think will make it very popular very quickly.

  1. Get the bin information out of Home Assistant.
    This integration does the work for you: GitHub - mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule: Home Assistant integration framework for (garbage collection) schedules
    Config Flow for your integration can ask for the bin information created by that integration.

  2. Have a way for the state of entries to be reflected in Home Assistant. Probably something along the lines of due, do (a user specified time before the due date /time) or, done. Then we can use conditional cards to show buttons and reminders. I don’t think people will mind initially going in to the app interface to set that, but you need to make it part of the HA integration long term.

  3. Have Home Assistant able to update the task, so when I press the button generated by the state of a task in Do, it is changed to Done and then the scheduler resets the state to Due.
    For bins, you will probably want a second task of “Bring the bins in”, which is generated the by same data, possibly created or enabled by the first task being marked as done.

This will save a lot of work where people are creating text entries changed by buttons etc.

You should then have a way for HA to create tasks/chores.
In the future, have the users in HA used as the users in your tool - so that a task assigned to me, only displays on my phone, but a task assigned to my wife shows on hers.

As a personal project, well done, it looks good. But you need full HA integration otherwise it is just another tool which is ignored because it requires going in to another interface.

Hi @scriven33 !
I appreciate you taking the time and provide this feedback! am definitely open to having integration similar to what Grocy has currently seems what you describing!
While my immediate focus is on the core features of Donetick, integrating with Home Assistant is definitely on my mind once Donetick is in a later stage!
As you pointed out, mampfes’ project is fantastic for handling trash collection. Donetick, on the other hand, was built to address a slightly different set of needs.
I will share why I built this maybe to give an idea of why am not tracking things inside home assistant( I was initially as dates as you see below

first, the history retention need is a little bit different. I want the history to stay indefinitely for things like AC filters, water filters, etc. Also I want to have an optional note for example when I do some maintenance and replace a part I want it to record it somewhere that I don’t lose

also, I want to be able to assign different people to different chores and want to ability to have a rotation. and a way they do it now even if they don’t have the app by scanning NFC tag to take them to the page and no need to click anything and the task will be marked as completed.

I don’t think everyone needs/ benefits from using Donetick but for those who do I think should provide a good value!
Please let me know if you have any other feedback after using it!