Don't see any files in directory with winscp

I just installed Hassbian on Raspberry 3. Because i would like to keep backups on my windows-pc and modify configuration.yaml with notepad++ I started a winscp session. I can login and see “homeassistant” and “pi” as two subfolders of the “home” folder. Both subfolders however don’t show any subfolders or files.

I there something I have to do so I can access these files ?

By the way. On a ssh session I can’t run commands like sudo ls etc

NB : On the raspberry itself this command works neither

No experience with win scp but I use SAMBA and it works easily. @bruhautomation put together a video I reference each time I setup HA.

Replace the config he supplies with the below config for hassbian.

netbios name = RP2
server string = The Pi File Center
workgroup = WORKGROUP
hosts allow =
remote announce =
remote browse sync =

path = /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/
comment = No comment
browsable = yes
read only = no
valid users =
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
public = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force user = root
force create mode = 0777
force directory mode = 0777
hosts allow =
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Hi @curious
I do exactly that you are trying to do, and you have to setup a couple of things

In WinSCP you need to add the following under the setup of the connection to get the elevated permissions:
the “Shell” setting needs the sudo text to give you the elevated permissions

if you need to install sudo on your raspberry and give the account you are logging in with those rights
The following article should be able to help:


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@rendili I allready tried your method and that did not work

The samba-route allows access and modification :slight_smile:
Thank you both for yourquick assistance

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I am also having the same problem. Used the Raspberry Pi All-In-One Installer method and followed the WinSCP instructions at the bottom of the page to elevate permissions…

… but there are no files in the /home/homeassistant directory…

Interestingly, I’ve just noticed in the bottom right it says 2 hidden??

Ha! Just click where it says 2 hidden, and voila…

This also works without the elevated permissions.