Hy I try to automate my light settings for my garden. I need to “deactivate” (= turn light off) my switch during the day and when the sun goes down “activate” (= turn light on) it again. But it doesnt work :-/
Does somebody has an idea?
Hy I try to automate my light settings for my garden. I need to “deactivate” (= turn light off) my switch during the day and when the sun goes down “activate” (= turn light on) it again. But it doesnt work :-/
Does somebody has an idea?
Can we see?
May have to share YAML for your automation to get someone to chime in with help.
You don’t deactivate the switch, but you add a condition to the automation that turns on the light (f.e. sun below horizon), so the automation will not trigger, unless the condition is met
description: ""
mode: single
- platform: device
domain: mqtt
device_id: c03caa8745812b437c29507b14fd5378
type: action
subtype: "on"
discovery_id: 0x04cd15fffe470d4b action_on
- condition: sun
before: sunset
after: sunrise
- service: light.turn_on
data: {}
- switch.bathroom_secondary_light
iow, only activate light during night
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: 'below_horizon'
That then will only run when the sun has set.
Keep in mind that a cloudy rainy day will make it darker and the need for light might be before the suns position has crossed a line
I have a well working automation for my garden lights.
“Lights on when dark outside (from BNAS till ENMS (-6°))”
Please show your automation, maybe we can help try to fix things.
I try a lot and this was my last try:
- platform: state
- switch.garten_wz_licht
to: "on"
- condition: sun
after: sunrise
- service: switch.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: switch.garten_wz_licht
After sunrise is from sunrise to midnight.
Aaah ok so I need “after sunset” or also other changes?
In my opinion, when the switch goes to “on” and the its after sunset so the automation will switch the off again right?
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: 'above_horizon'
is all you need