i want to know how it is possible to connect a doorbell with my HA , but all the process will be through automation ,
the door bell switch which is outside my house is connected to a esphome node ,
and i want to connect two door bells which are connected to different esphome nodes ,
one in the 1st floor and the other in the 4th floor and both the bells rang at the same time ,
is that possible how ?
what type of entity should i use in esphome for the button and door bell speakers ?
and any hint about the automation ?
and if possible it can also send a notification too .
I have a similar set up. Binary sensor for the doorbell button and two switches for the bells (one upstairs one downstairs). I also have a security camera at the door to capture an image. Here’s my automation:
- id: doorbell_alert
alias: 'Doorbell Alert' #### To do - add do not disturb condition
entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: template # only trigger once every 6 seconds at most
value_template: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr('automation.doorbell_alert', 'last_triggered') | default(0)) | int > 5)}}"
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.downstairs_doorbell
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.upstairs_doorbell
- service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.front
filename: '/config/www/doorbell.jpg'
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.downstairs_doorbell
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.upstairs_doorbell
- service: notify.ios_iphonex
message: Someone has pressed the doorbell.
sound: "Doorbell.wav"
url: !secret doorbell_url
content-type: jpg
hide-thumbnail: false
I don’t have a delay between turning the bell switches on and off as they only need a momentary pulse to activate the full chime sound and the image capture action in-between provides enough time for the switches to be on.
They work on 5V (specification says 12V but there is a 3V regulator in the unit). The logic is 3V so the trigger wire hooks up directly to an ESP module. There is enough room to fit a Wemos D1 mini inside.
Edit2: Config for the Wemos doorbell node (still using mqtt, feel free to use the api instead):