Door Intercom - Akuvox R20K (on Ethernet)

Hi, we have this Akuvox R20K door phone with relay trigger to open front gate and camera and password to enter. nice device for not much money! It is interfaced via ethernet and I have access to its web page configuration.

It has action URL built in and it streams RTSP / ONVIF video and it also has (open relay via HTTP), SIP is also there (not sure what it is but saw you guys discuss SIP intercoms).

How ever I do not see any ready made integration of that guy but seems like very good and cheap intercom? Can any one advise on integrating it into home assist?

  • Idea is to get it into Apple Home Kit as intercom so that it Pops up as notification when some one presses a bell and than opens up a camera view with a button on top to open relay A over HTTP.

Is that possible? I believe now it does that to my smart Home Screen via DTMF RFC 2833

no one has any ideas?

Hi @yoodog, I developed an integration which brings Akuvox SmartPlus door camera feeds, door relay buttons and door open/ring events into Home Assistant.
I hope it can be useful for you.

Looks interesting, however, the Akuvox SmartPlus platform looks kinda closed, in such a way that the only option to get an account is through your installer (which will probably bill you for it).

I would assume this is not the way the OP wanted to integrate the device.
Me as well, I have an Akuvox device for which I am looking into how to integrate it to be able to communicate from everywhere with my iPhone to my door.

I believe we will need to use the SIP protocol and a SIP service to accomplish that.
This will also liberate us from any cloud fees, if you were to host your SIP service yourself :slight_smile:

In followup to this prior message, I have my door phone working now.

I have chosen the 3CX (free tier) SIP service, which offers a cloud hosted PBX which can act as your own telephone central. If you want to take call’s outside of your network, without having to use a VPN, you can optionally install a linux VM (which I run on my synology) to bridge your home network with the server.

Note: I am not in favour of paying subscriptions for services, 3CX is free, and if anything would change, I could easily swap it for another PBX service.

3CX offers a good soft phone application for your smartphone, which, in the latest version (I am a beta tester) also supports the H.264, required to receive the Akuvox video feed.

I have the ONVIF stream into Home Assistant and I save the RTSP feed into my synology surveillance station in addition to my security camera’s.

Currently I have set up some ‘action url’ linked to webhooks to receive feedback from the door phone. I use is to trigger a chime over Sonos speakers. (works perfect).

I can also use the same trigger to send a notification to HA companion app, which can include an image, live feed and configurable actions (see notification docu for setup) .

There is an HTTP API with my E12 device, for which I have figured out one call, and I am still negotiating with tech support for full documentation.

I can nog hangup a call, which means that I can use logic in HA to drop a call if we are at home. But preferably, I would like to reverse this, so the SIP call only takes place if nobody is home :slight_smile: TBD

Any ways, price wise a very solid device, and since I have been using it over SIP (perhaps a week after previous post) I have not encountered any issues with it. including stress testing with dropped connections etc. would recommend!



I have an akuvox 12E and it is great.
Did you integrate as a doorbell in home assistant? How?
I’m using mikopbx as sip server.

Can you help me with this ?

same here.
My device is a R20A, using SIP group call to all connected smartphones/tablets on ring (push button), all registered locally on f!box. and ‘monitoring’ the videostream via the HA ONVIF integration.
Upcoming: kind of ‘pop up’ information when suspicious movement happens when at home and sending info (mail?) when away, general NVR setup + include 2 other webcams.
the akuvox device is in use for >1 year, it’s very compact design and stability and neat pricing makes it a clear recommendation from my site also!
kr, LX

I need some help to get the doorbell action…
I can open the door but I am looking for the doorbell action. So when I press the doorbell, I can put an action on it… Can you help ?

Hello, looks like I missed this for a while, not sure if it still applies to you, but it might be interesting for others.

The way I have my E12 unit setup is by using different elements for different purposes.

  • SIP for 1 way video and 2 way voice calls (when I am not at home), using 3CX free tier service
  • Video stream to my Synology NAS, running surveillance station (for NVR purposes), and image analysis with movement detection notfications
  • Home assistant automation to decide which action to take and send notifications

My basic idea was that, I do no need to receive a phone call when I’m at home, and the bell chime does not need to ring and disturb the dog while nobody is at home.

This is where HA comes into play. The YAML of my automation can be helpful:

alias: Deurbel
description: Actions run when the doorbell is pressed.
  - platform: webhook
      - POST
      - PUT
      - GET
    local_only: true
    webhook_id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    enabled: true
  - condition: state
    entity_id: timer.knock_knock_prevention
    state: idle
  - metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: timer.knock_knock_prevention
    action: timer.start
  - action: llmvision.image_analyzer
      provider: Anthropic
      model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
      target_width: 1024
      detail: high
      max_tokens: 100
      temperature: 0.5
      message: >-
        Describe door camera image in 20 words. Focus only on persons, cars or
        actions. Ignore all background of normal residential area. ignore white
        station wagon (BMW), timestamp. no mention of (brick) driveway. No yapping. No
        markup. For push notification.
        - camera.deurbel
    response_variable: response
  - action: camera.snapshot
    metadata: {}
      filename: >-
        /config/www/snapshots/{{ now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
      entity_id: camera.deurbel
  - data:
      message: "{{response.response_text}}"
      title: Deurbel
        entity_id: camera.e12w_profile_name
          category: camera
            name: default
            critical: 1
            volume: 1
          - action: Bel Deurbel
            title: Bel Deurbel
            uri: tcxcallto://xxx
    action: notify.mobile_app_iphone_1
  - data:
      message: "{{response.response_text}}"
      title: Deurbel
        entity_id: camera.e12w_profile_name
          category: camera
            name: default
            critical: 1
            volume: 1
          - action: Bel Deurbel
            title: Bel Deurbel
            uri: tcxcallto://xxx
    enabled: true
    action: notify.mobile_app_iphone_2
  - alias: "Chime OR Dial ? "
      - alias: Personen Thuis
        condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: zone.home
        above: 0
      - target:
          entity_id: media_player.sonos_roam
          media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/411521__mcmacca__samba-jingle.mp3
          media_content_type: audio/mpeg
          title: Deurbel
          thumbnail: null
          media_class: music
          children_media_class: null
            - {}
            - media_content_type: app
              media_content_id: media-source://media_source
        enabled: true
        action: media_player.play_media
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 2
          milliseconds: 0
      - data:
          message: " "
        alias: Call
        action: notify.doorbell_call
mode: single

This automation listens to a webhook, which is send by adding it in the E12 as an action to perform when the button is pushed.

To avoid messing up when people push multiple times, i have a ‘knock knock prevention’, which uses a 10sec timer helper.

It uses Claude LLM model to analyse a snapshot for custom notification. For this to work, you need to include the ONVIF stream in HA to capture the image, install Vision LLM HACS addon, and you might need to modify the prompt to your needs. (you can leave this action out if you want and use a generic notfication)

From the notification I can call in to the E12 by pressing the call action (the url structure is iphone and 3CX specific)

When we are at home, a chime sound is played over my sonos, if we’re away, the notify.doorbell_call is trigered, which is an API call to the E12, to tell it to call my (softphone number).

  - name: doorbell_call
    platform: rest
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Wtf :slight_smile:

At the moment I am only looking how to catch the doorbell press and sending it to HA…

I will re read and reread your message and try :face_with_peeking_eye:

Thanks for your reply

Well if it’s that you want to de first, you just need to look at the trigger.

  • Create a new automation
  • Add a new trigger of the type Webhook
  • Make sure in the settings to enable the method GET
  • open your E12 admin panel and go to: intercom > Basic > Push Button Action (section at the bottom)
  • Select HTTP as the ‘Action To Execute’
  • Copy the webhook URL from HA automation and paste it in the ‘HTTP URL’ field.

When the button is pressed, the webhook from HA will be called, and the automation triggered.

You can then use this automation to perform whatever action you want :slight_smile:

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I just found it an hour ago :slight_smile:
But thanks anyway !

I want to play a “ding-dong” on a sonos speaker, but when the ding dong is finished, I want the music playing again. any ideas ?

Depends the source of the music, I think.
I looked in to that a while back and found out that you could do this by creating a snapshot and restoring the sonos snapshot after the chime.

however, I only have one sonos roam (more to come later, but takes money lol) and I don’t mind the music stops when there is somebbody at the door. Most of the times if there is a visitor, it’s nice the music stops…

Anyway, I recently came across this, which might also be interesting, but I had no time yet to try it out:

**EDIT: Just tested this one out and works perfectly! (you need to create a dev account and register a cloud API key. note that you send the control over cloud, so I suggest you keep the local integration as well! **

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I use a badge system ( rfid) to check who is entering.
So when badging the door always opens, even if there is no door command given in HA. Is that normal ?

Depends on how you did the setup… if the intercom id directly controlling the relay, then it’s logical that there is no action in HA.

Personally, I do not have any actions in HA that can turn off my alarm or open a door.
I prefer to keep a wall in between those. (I can read the alarm staten but I have not mapped the disarm). I have a smart lock, but it runs stand alone, and is not connected to HA. (I do not use the rfid of my unit)

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@ GeryDk

It is awesome what you have done. I have couple of “basic” questions related to installing 3CX on Synology:
1/ Is there as specific “domain name” I should be selecting? Can I leave it blank?
2/ Is there any other specific options I should be selecting during the installing?
3/ Should I have “port forwarding” in order to be able to receive door bell notifications, and open the door, outside home?

Thanks again for sharing :slight_smile: