I am having some troubles using a xiaomi door Sensor to trigger my light.
I have succesfully configured my motion Sensor with a light. So i try the Same with the door Sensor… But No succes.
- No need for the From field, just trigger when it goes to On
- the For field also does not have to be filled in when you want it to be instant
Other than that I don’t immediately see the problem, have you tried manually triggering the automation to see that the Action part works? Any conditions that could be always evaluate to False?
Please provide the entire yaml configuration (with code markup please!) so we can have a look.
I changed what you Said in previous reply. So only when triggered to on light goes on, and when triggered to off, light goed off.
on and off need to be lowercase. If you go to Developer Tools->States, you’ll see that they are lowercase.
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Didn’t notice that one, also didn’t know the case is important. Good to know!