Door sensor open/close status on dashboard showing "open" when door is closed

Hello everyone, I have a z-wave door sensor that is properly showing open, closed door status in the logbook as well as during automations however in the dashboard view the sensor always shows open when the door is closed and the logbook reported the door being closed.

The history time line graph is showing an open status when closed (yellow) as well and the open events are shown in gray.

It seems like the open / closed status is flipped but only in the visual representation (functionally in automations works properly, triggering on true open door events).

I am fairly new to home assistant and thinking this is something I am missing in the configuration of the door / window sensor?

Maybe you should show the yaml for the component you use in the UI, and also make sure it is the same entity that you used. It is possible to create inverted entities.

Thank you for the reply. See YAML below and the view is very basic at this point. Attempting to show door state with a log of door activity.

  - title: Home
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        show_state: true
        type: glance
          - entity: binary_sensor.frontdoorsensor_window_door_is_open
          - entity: binary_sensor.backdoorsensor_window_door_is_open_4
        title: Exterior Door Status
      - type: logbook
          - binary_sensor.frontdoorsensor_window_door_is_open
          - binary_sensor.backdoorsensor_window_door_is_open_4

I do not see anything strange with the view. What integration is delivering the sensors? Hopefully not spook: reversed :slight_smile: It should show on when it is open in the developer tools - states and off when it is closed. I hear zigbee2mqtt has an option to invert states for binary sensors, could that be on by accident?

If I create a glance card I see nothing strange. I cannot open doors because I’m not home (actually I can remote close one door, but it is already closed).

It’s probably just a website caching issue. I would try opening the home assistant url in an incognito window.

could you share the automation yaml too?