I changed the default motion sensor blueprint to match door sensors!
Turn on porch-, -garage or door lights when door opens. Leave it on for X seconds after closing the door.
name: Door Sensor-activated Light
description: Turn on a light when door is opened.
domain: automation
name: Door Sensor
domain: binary_sensor
# My sensors has device_class opening but it's commented
# for now since not every sensor uses 'opening' as default
# device_class: opening
name: Light
domain: light
name: Wait time
description: Time to leave the light on after door is closed
default: 120
min: 0
max: 3600
unit_of_measurement: seconds
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
platform: state
entity_id: !input doorsensor_entity
from: "off"
to: "on"
- service: light.turn_on
target: !input light_target
- wait_for_trigger:
platform: state
entity_id: !input doorsensor_entity
from: "on"
to: "off"
- delay: !input door_closed_wait
- service: light.turn_off
target: !input light_target
Of course! Ehm, I’ve been looking around and can’t seem to see how do you set multiple device_classes. Do you have any idea? Or should I just delete that row and let people choose from all the binary_sensors?
From the looks of it entity device_class selector only accepts a single value.
Until they allow multiple device classes my suggestion would be that yes, delete that row.
My zigbee door sensors have the “door” device_class set, so this blueprint would not be able to use them.
I see The dilemma but if I take away yet another domain it takes away the simplicity. You can just copy the code and either delete the domain or change it to switch and save locally
I actually just thought I said it … Why does he see my tasmotas as a switch and not as a light, this was very simple …
i had to use another discovery function.
Now I have used setOption30 1, and then he sees them …
I adding the time condition for active/in-active the automation.
name: Timer active start
description: Time to start the automation!
default: 07:00:00
time: {}
name: Time active stop
description: Time to stop the automation
default: 07:00:00
time: {}
- condition: time
after: !input 'time_active_start'
before: !input 'time_active_stop'
Hey, I’m sorry about the late reply. Just use the URL you see in the top. Or copy this one https://community.home-assistant.io/t/door-sensor-turn-on-off-light/255657
I added the door sensor light on/off blueprint to my home assistant but when I go to choose a device or area I get “No matching devices found” any idea as to why this is happening? I am trying to add my z-wave light switch which I have connected to my home assistant.