Doorbel on another subnet

Hello, H.A is in a subnet In this lan I connected a router. In the other side of the router the lan is on My camera has the address
I open port 80 and 554 on the router for the address (port forwarding).
My android cell at the address can run the Amcrest Smart Home, and I see the image and can change the settings on the camera.
How can I do to see the image on H.A ? I can’t add the camera with the dahua integration, I have the message: user or password or address is wrong. Many thanks for your help it is very appreciated !!

Usually port 554 is needed as well

Why the second router?

Post the HA config? Maybe something wrong there

Doorbell should have log. Do you see login errors? If you can see image then HA should also be able to access so I suspect so config or other setup error

Hello, thanks for your response. Just for info, H.A is installed with the supervisor on docker.
If I enter ifconfig from the H.A terminal I see several network interface like,, I join the network schema

Thanks for your help !

I realize isssue now.

I don’t use amcrest smart home app but I am pretty sure you are accessing doorbell on your phone from the Amcrest server, not your local LAN

Try this instead…
Determine the IP of the camera router on your 192.168.x.x network. The router should have 192.168 address assigned

With that, you would use the routers IP along with forwarded port to access doorbell.


I verified with my cell, the wifi was the local wifi, the cell address was
The camera has the address
The camera for now has not an address on the
Thanks for your help.
Best regards

2 routers

WAN>> Router1 (192.168) >> router2 (10.24)>> Doorbell(

This is understood and agreed

What I am saying is router1 cannot see into and will not route traffic for 10.24 to Router2 under normal/default circumstances.

Currently from your phone the route to doorbell video is

Phone>> WAN>> >> WAN >> Router 1 >> Router 2 >> Doorbell

I’m guessing that or whatever it’s server is the connecting point you are using with the app unless the router is not default and you have setup in some non default way that make it act like switch or bridge.

More easy way to see this is by taking out Router 1 and trying to connect from outside your network….like below

WAN>> router2 (10.24) >> Doorbell(

It’s possible to connect from wan to camera but how would you do this? Just enter into address bar? NO. You would determine the WAN IP of the router 2 and use that, then use port forwarding to access the needed ports.

Same is required with below case

WAN>> Router1 (192.168) >> router2 (10.24)>> Doorbell(

To router 2….router 1 network is WAN

To router 1…doorbell dont exist and Router 2 is another device on network that has an IP. Login to a router 1 and look at attached devices. I’m sure you’ll see Router 2. What is that IP?

Yes You are right !
I forwarded port 80 and 554.
From primary subnet ( I browse the router2 addres ( and the result is a request for user and password.
The request is:

If I enter the bad password, I receive an authority failure.
If I enter the right password I receive: bad request.
What am I doing wrong ?
Must I open more ports ?
I am able to add the camera in H.A and I see the image (I don’t know if it’s stable), but the latency is very high (may be 6 seconds)
And the button is not working ! So may be the is/are other port to open ?

So, many thanks for your suggestions.

Maybe it wants https and port 443
Maybe it try to redirect to the doorbell ip instead of router2 ip.

Camera latency in HA is high in my experience. 6 in not bad from what I normally see. If it not disconnect I would expect it is stable.

Another recommendation is look at adding an NVR like frigate and use that as proxy interface to you cameras. You if you only have the one I wouldn’t bother but if you add more the port forwarding will get cumbersome and using something like frigate will provide single ip to connect and ability to get sensors (motion and detections). It expects coral you but if not using ai you don’t need