Doorbell motion sensor false alarms when switching day/night mode

Just installed my reolink doorbell a few days ago. I’ve been trying to dial in the sensitivity for cars driving by at night triggering motion sensor. I’ve also found there’s motion when ever the camera switches day/night mode. Tonight was a little comical because my automations kept fighting the doorbell.

I have an automation that looks for motion from the doorbell or my garage doors opening after sunset and turns on my outside lights. The automation delays for 60 seconds after the last motion detection and shuts the lights off. Tonight the outside lights came on as the camera switched from day to night mode. As soon as this happened, my outside lights came on. When the lights shut off, the doorbell saw this as motion and turned them back on again. This cycle continued for almost 15 minutes until I could get to my phone and manually shut off the lights.

Do I have to manually code around this day/night motion detection in home assistant or is there a way to fix it in the app settings? I also noticed this behavior anytime the lights come on at night from a real alarm. Any good ideas to stop this?