I was wondering if there was anyway to take a picture through my surveillance camera when my doorbell is pushed and send it to my phone. I currently have the doorbell hooked up with a arduino that sends button pushes through MQTT. The camera is hooked up with Zoneminder. I will probably need to give more info on this but not sure what is needed. My phone is an android phone and has pushover but this may not be able to get pics so I am open to ideas.
Add camera to HA using ffmpeg or other component
Create automation doorbell push>>ring+send image
I do this with html5 component and receive photo in notification bar, click notification and it take me to Homeassistant page where camera is displayed
- alias: 'Notify Gate Closed'
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.entry_gate
from: 'on'
to: 'off'
- service: notify.notify
title: 'GATE'
message: 'Closed'
tag: alert
url: 'https://my_HAserver.com'
image: "https://my_HAserver.com/api/camera_proxy/camera.mycamera?api_password=MyHAPassword"
- 300
- 100
- 400
renotify: 0
Zoneminder can do this directly as well.
HA automation can send trigger to zoneminder I believe.
This seems to work for the most part but a couple of more questions I have. So when I do this I just set it up with Pushover since I already had this notification setup. I get a link to go to the home assistant website but it is just the current stream so if I don’t look right away then the person would be gone. Is the html5 method an actual image taken at the time of the button push. I will try to set this up when I get a little more time. I was having trouble getting html5 working right away. Also is there a way to hide the api_password in the image line. I usually use !secret but didn’t think this would work here.
Html5 you can send image at time of button push(actually when automation fire so slight delay)
Ok I have html5 working partially. I can get this to work on my desktop pcs however I am unable to get it to work on my android phone. I started out using home assistant 0.59.2 and it would work on the pcs but everytime i reloaded the home assistant I would have to go into the config and reselect the push notifications slider. once i did this it would work until I reloaded the config again. It would never work on the phone. So i downgraded to 0.58.1 and now when i reload the config I don’t have to reselect the slider but it still doesn’t work on the phone. Any ideas? This may be out of the scope of this issue as I am sure I can get this to work not but I may have to open a new topic for this issue.