Doorbird D101 does not trigger automation when the button is pressed

Hi all,

I tried many different things from what I have read here but I still cannot manage to trigger an event in HA when I press my doorbird D101 button.

Schedule is defined within doorbird’s app, HTTP(S) calls from HA are seen, I can trigger events from my UI, but nothing from the hardware device.

My configuration.yaml :

    - host:
      username: !secret username_doorbird
      password: !secret password_doorbird
      token: my token
      hass_url_override: "" (also tried http://homeassistant.local:8123/ and -> does not work either)
      name: portier
        - doorbell_1
        - somebody_pressed_the_button
        - relay_unlocked

I noticed the hass_url_override does nothing : when I clear the http calls urls from UI in order to force HA to recreate them within doorbird’s app, it does not take the provided hass_url_override into account.

Even if I am only 6 days old with HA, it’s starting to drive me crazy !

did you find out?

Unfortunately, no ! As you see, no answer here …

I have discovered today a Doorbird Nodered node but I did not manage to get it work neither …

I have a d21, i was able to solve finally, can you show me your automation?

How did you succeed ?
I was trying this automation under HA :

- id: '1601285910349'
  alias: Ring Doorbell
  description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: doorbird_doorbird_somebody_pressed_the_button
  condition: []
  - service: media_player.turn_on
    entity_id: media_player.google_home_1
  - service: media_player.volume_set
    entity_id: media_player.google_home_1
      volume_level: 0.9
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: https://myhaip/local/mp3/dingdong.mp3
      media_content_type: audio/mp3
    entity_id: media_player.google_home_1
  mode: single

Or this one with nodered :
2020-12-21 11_43_27-Window

But I am not surprise it does not work as under Developer Tools/Events/Listen to events if I listen to *, I get nothing when I press the Doorbird button !

Did you enable the schedule? It’s disabled by default when you configure an https call

How does you https call look in your dooebird app?

You can test your automation or listen to events, by just entering the url in your browser, that way you can be sure that your automation is at least correct

The schedule:

Maybe the https url is wrong? Did you try manually?

The http call :

I am retrying now !

Ok, seems all correct … i have the doorbird from yesterday, was struggling too

Ok when I open the URL from my PC I get a web page with ‘OK’
But it does not work from my mobile which is wifi connected to my local network … I’m going to try to change http://homeassistant.local:8123/ with http://myHAinternalIP

Indeed, i have ip also, so maybe your dooebird cant use the dns

I am currently restarting HA to reactivate the automation…

My doorbird is ethernet connected to the local network, just like my PC, it should be able to use the DNS…
Anyway when I last tested with IP it was not working better…

Still not working …
I created the input_boolean test_doorbird and this automation :

- id: '1608550205537'
  alias: Sonnette Doorbird Test
  description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: doorbird_doorbird_chelles_somebody_pressed_the_button
  condition: []
  - service: switch.toggle
    data: {}
    entity_id: input_boolean.test_doorbird
  mode: single

When I enter the http call URL in a browser windows, nothing happen, the boolean does not switch !

and do you see the event coming in if you enter the url in a browser?

YES, it works !!! :grinning:
I do not understand what I was doing wrong, but it is now fine !
Thanks to to you @pergola.fabio , restarting step by step did make it !
Many thanks for your help, putting me back on the right track !

Ah good to hear :slight_smile:
I also have the indoor station, the a1101. , I can define there extra buttons on it, seems also using http calls

You have the indoor too?

I have the d2101kv for outdoor