Doorbird integration

You can fire the doorbird_reset_favorites event to reset all Doorbird http calls. Then if you restart HA it will reconfigure the Doorbird and it should work fine. Alternatively, you can manually update the link on the http call via the Doorbird app.

Following the above steps didnā€™t fix my issue.

I was going to the wrong link, now when I do it, the page comes up with OK

This confirms that the link is working on the HA side. If that same link is exactly what is showing for the HTTP call on the doorbird and the schedule is enabled as you say, then it should be working when the button is pressed. The only other thing I can think of is to reboot the doorbird and see if that makes it start working. But it sounds like the problem is that the doorbird is not calling the configured URL when the button is pressed.

I found the link in the doorbird app, is there a way for me to see what link HA is looking for/using?

Whatever link you used when HA returned the OK response.

As mentioned above, the trigger is propably fine.

Do you use node red for the automation? With node red you can see per node what the last action was so you can see what didnā€™t work

Thank you. I deleted both urls, restarted HA and now itā€™s working

Got it working again.

I also deleted all the URLs I found in the Doorbird app and restarted my Doorbird, then restarted HA and everything is working again.

It must of been something with the URLs and HA tokens/auth causing an issue for me.

Iā€™m only using the DoorBird camera, not the events. So my config looks like:

  token: NotSureWhyThisIsMandatory
    name: Frontdoor
    username: !secret doorbird_username
    password: !secret doorbird_password

  - platform: doorbird
    last_visitor: True

Now I have upgraded to 0.83.3 and it gives me an invalid configuration, I already added the token attr, HA is starting again but still the camera wonā€™t work. When I review the logs it seems like update_schedule is called, but I am not using any events. So why is it trying to update the DoorBird Schedule???

I think I found a bug, when not specifying any events the events variable is just an empty list []. When I change the row below to if events: my problem is solved!

Pushed a fix for this to the PR that is pending for relay events. Hopefully it will make it on the next release. Thanks for the report.

Oh, I already pushed a PR. Not sure the number, will look it up when I come home.

I just canā€™t get this to work :frowning:

I configured the component and it loaded fine.
I made sure the HTTP Links are made and correct, as well as the shedules are set.

Restarted the doorbell and HA several time - I just does not want to workā€¦

The links work fine if you enter them in a webrowser and my automation run.

Just does not work when the button is pushed on the bell or motion is detected.

The only part of the setup that you donā€™t mention that will prevent the Doorbird from calling the URL is the schedule in the app. If the doorbell and motion schedules do not have a blue block for the time period that you tested, then the URL will not be called. The component attempts to set this schedule for you, but in some cases, I have seen that the schedule does not appear correctly in the Doorbird iOS app. You can try setting the schedule via the app just to be sure.

thanks for the response, but I am sure that the schedules are set. (also mentioned in my original post)
I just find it strange that I just canā€™t get it working.
I got in working in the previous HASSIO version that did not use the Token.
Should have never updated to the latest version of HASSIO - but then I see above that people are able to set it up without issues, soā€¦

I am playing with the option so reset the doorbird to default settings and start all over - but I am little hesitant to do thatā€¦

I totally missed the schedule mention in your original postā€¦ Maybe I was tired or something?

The reset action in HA will only clear all of the HTTP calls from the Doorbird. It doesnā€™t reset any IP settings or other configuration. When you restart HA, then the HTTP calls will be reconfigured. You can also do the same manually on the app if you want. Just be sure to restart HA after.

somehow the removing the HTTP calls manually on the app and restart HA does not solve the problem.
the http calls are reconfigured, but somehow they still donā€™t get called.
Since the problem must be in the doorbird itself - I am playing with the idea to fully reset the doorbird to default settings - but as you can understand, I am a little hesitant to do that.

I would give it a shot.

Iā€™ve reset the doorbird to default settings and did the configuration again step by step.
Still canā€™t get it to work, Iā€™m lost :frowning:

I contacted doorbird technical support