Doorbird integration

I read in

Each event includes live image and live video URLs for the Doorbird device that triggered the event. These URLs can be found on the event data and can be useful in automation actions.

But, how can I know what are the names of the event data urls? How to get the live image url from the event data in an automation?

Looks like those changes never made it into a PR. Opening a new PR to include them and I’ll update the documentation to include the key names that are available as well.

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PR has been opened…

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My schedule is like this image. Only 1 time slot marked, and it seems to work. I tried marking all blue, but after I restart home assistant, schedule gets back like you can see in the image. It’s working, and there is no problem. I only would like to ask if it’s how it’s supposed to be:

so far no information from Doorbird anymore regarding the ticket I opened :frowning:

I’ve seen the schedule look like that in the iOS app too. I believe it may be a bug in the Doorbird app because the schedule returned by the API looked correct when I verified it on my setup.

Im investigating whether i should get a doorbird. With the hass integration, does everything work purely locally? Or does the bell connect to doorbird servers and they call hass? Does the stream stay local only and does the bell keep working if internet doesnt? I understand i can not get around creating a doorbird account to be able to configure the bell, correct?

I know the http calls used by HA are all local and triggered directly from the door station. I just disabled my internet connection and the stream still worked as well, so that appears to be fully local as well. I do know that the unit calls home when booted up. I also know that it must be connected to the Doorbird servers to reset the “passport” in the case you lose your credentials.

There is no “account” to be created, but each unit is registered to a specific email address during initial configuration.

A Doorbird is the most local friendly smart doorbell that I know of.

alright, thanks for the information! This boils my choices down to the doorbird and a smart switch with separate PoE camera.

Is there a way to set up motion detection as a sensor or IR on/off as a switch?

Motion is not available as an entity/sensor because it is stateless. The Doorbird unit does not provide a status for motion, but instead fires an event when motion is detected. HA will also fire an event when motion is detected. The event can be used to trigger automations.

IR is already available as a switch.

Is it possible that this component at some point can support the STREAM-functionality?

I’ve been playing around with this but have been unsuccessful so far to get the rtsp stream to play in Home Assistant at all.

I can get single snapshots off the video stream and I can play via VLC but the stream component doesn’t work for it yet.

Same here :slight_smile:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Front Doorbell
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://<username>:<password>@<doorbird IP>:8557/mpeg/media.amp
    extra_arguments: -r 24 -q:v 2 -vf "scale=1280:720,drawtext=fontfile=/static/fonts/robotomono/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf:text='FRONT DOOR %{localtime\:%m/%d/%Y %X}':[email protected]:x=7:y=7"

This is how I have configured my Doorbird for RSTP stream in Home Assistant. Just substitute <username>, <password>, <doorbird IP> with your own. If you’re able to get yours to load the RTSP stream in VLC, it should work in Home Assistant, just make sure you have the ffmpeg module loaded in your configuration.yaml.

Under what component would you put this under? Camera?

The doorbird video issue has been identified and fixed. The fix will likely be in 0.91.1 and you can then use the doorbird rtsp stream with the generic camera component.


Can you give an example how to setup the doorbird as a generic camera?

It will currently not work due to changes needed on the stream component. I am working on updating the Doorbird component so the camera entities created by the component can be used directly. No generic camera necessary.

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Awesome, thanks for the update.