Dorrbell always state ON - Telldus Live


Started today with my HassIO and already found my first problem.

I have a doorbell switch.ringklocka that I cant get to change state from on to off.
What am I doing wrong?

It is a doorbell that uses Telldus Live 433mhz.

Even if I go to Developer Tools --> States. And there, change the stat of the entity to ‘off’ it changes. But when I press the off button, I can see a popup that says “Turned off…” but nothing happens.

Help me.!

I found the answer myself by experimenting a bit.

Thanks for coming back and letting us know you fixed it, AcidSleeper… Everyone else with the same problem can rest easy now. :smiley:

The only solution to this was to create a remote-entity in Telldus Live that acted like a remote.

How do you do that, I’ve tried setting it up as every kind of entity possible.

Create a new entity in Telldus (for example a Nexa) and use your doorbell-remote when scanning in Telldus.

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Ok, I’ve tried every device and most pop up saying “wrong device selected”. One worked which I believe is the same as your image but it does not send the signal to home assistant.

The switch is connected in HA. if it is on in Telldus and I turn it off in HA it is mirrored to Telldus. If I push the door bell, I can see it lights up in telldus but that is never sent to HA.

After you added the device in Telldus have you restarted HA så the device is visible in HA?