Double arrow symbol

Noob question… what do the “double arrow” and “yellow house” mean in the device view ? see screen-capture below. Seems sometimes any one particular device has a double arrow, and sometimes same device has teh yellow house


Since I don’t know what card I am looking at, I’ll guess.
In your card configuration you have “Color icons based on state?” turned on. So, in this image those two lights are turned on.

As far as the double arrow, you can put any MDI icon you want. That one looks like mdi: SwapHorizontal

The house could be mdi: HomeAssistant, but that one is depreciated and there doesn’t appear to be a replacement.

You can browse the MDI icons here.

@stevemann Thank you for the reply ! The pic is a piece of a screen capture of the “Devices” page [ Settings > Devices ] left column. I have not assigned any icons to anything, so these are defaults. here is a bigger capture

…not sure the yellow house means the light is on, as I have another, the Dining Room light showing a yellow house symbol (see above) but the light is off…

Well. I was close. Those are the icons representing the integration that contains the device. Look at the Integration column. The yellow homes are from Homekit while the blue ones are from HomeAssistant.
The arrows are the result of change device type (a helper entity), where a switch can be a light in Home Assistant.

@stevemann Ahh, makes sense… though some of the yellow homes, also have device type changes (from switch to light, as the switch controls a light) but they show yellow house, and the one with the double arrows used to be a yellow house (I am 99% sure I did nothing to make it go to the double arrows)… ?

I’ve never noticed those icons, but I am pretty sure they come from the integration.

…the switch from yellow house to double arrows for the same device is what got my attention, it has happened for other devices as well. I figured “yellow house = OK”, and “double arrow = something not right ?”

The icon is for the integration responsible for the device.

However considering a device can consist of entities from multiple integrations in some situations you will see an icon conflict. (I THINK the icon ends up beithbe last integration to edit a device but im not 100% sure on that)

In your case @stevemann is correct the house is home kit. Probably most of your devices based on what I saw in your list. Then some of those were customized from probably switch to light, I’d bet? If you do that in the UI you end up creating a helper entity under the hood and hiding the original entity. So the last integration to hit was the change device type… voila the arrows.

I saw someone posted a feature request to make that icon user selectable by available integrations for a device. Is support that for tidyness but at the end of the day those icons are just indicators.

hi again @NathanCu (from my other post)… well after trying to fix my issues with my Homekit stuff (the other post) I think I have fixed most – however I wanted to share a current icon screen shot after my fixes – you can see now all Homekit (except for one) have double arrows, and not the yellow house. NOt sure why the Front Porch is not, as it is set up exactly as the others…

In the 2 plus years of using Home Assistant, I’ve never paid attention to those icons or see the point to them.

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They aren’t that old… I believe the ones on the Devices tab were just added in 2023.11

I rebooted HA, and now all my HK devices are working and all show teh double arrow symbol… I am wonderig if the symboil means they are “bridged” devices, as I am using the HK integration, and on my iPhone they come through a HASS bridge…

No, the arrows symbol is for the “Change device type of a switch” helper integration… as Nathan posted earlier.

…OK, got it. Would be nice to have a chart in the Documentaion speling out what each symbol means… I did a quick look but could not find one. …I suppose that as was mentioned they point to the particular integrations ?

There are more than 1000 integrations…

On the Device tab, if you look at the right-most column, it lists the integrations that each device belongs to… the first integration in the list will be the source of the icon. For non-default integrations, the icons will also appear on the Integrations tab. The icons for core integrations can be seen on their respective documentation pages. Specific to your question, the icons for Helpers can be also seen on your Helpers tab and when you use the “Create Helper” button:

…good to know ! Thanks.

Using Home Assistant’s main menu, select:

System > Repairs

In the upper right corner, click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) then click:

Integration startup time 

You will be presented with a list of all the integrations loaded in your system, sorted by loading time. Next to each integration is its native icon.


@123 ahh, excellent, THANKS !!!