Double Take abandoned? So whats next?


i want to use double Take from jakowenko, but that project seams awesome silent lately. Anyone hase a better thing?

So, I finally made the step to replace my not updated 2023.7 HA instance, I stoped maintining it when i failed to replace my commandline stuff on the 23.8 and also coulndt get frigate to work, but who cares, just for background.

I now run 24.11 and have frigate working (CPU load is constantly above 60%, toping at 85%, waiting for my coral).

Next step is face recognition, so I want to start with double take, but as I said before, looks like its abandond.

So what are you guys using?


You can use an automation similar to Guide: Local License Plate Recognition With Home Assistant, CodeProject.AI, and Frigate · blakeblackshear/frigate · Discussion #8165 · GitHub to implement face recognition

Frigate 0.16 will support face recognition natively

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Thanks for the hint. Awesome news.

I know its different in most places of the world, but I may add, in Germany, and therefore also probably most of Europe, scanning public areas for e.g. licence plates can get you in so much hot water, id rather not do that. lol, even a dummy cam torwards public space can cost one a hefty (like well into 5 figguer range) fine. For most folks here, thats resembling upwards of half a year of net after tax and social care income.

From recent releas dates I would guess 0.16 should be out somewhere before 25 is over?

I can wait easily that long. And I have no special needs for messing with lots of (unmaintained) stuff and pretend to be a script kid…

So thank you again for your explanations and dont let me wast your time and keep you from commiting to frigate :slight_smile:

awesome work btw.

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