After much deliberating and encouragement from members of this forum I decided to attempt some custom firmware flashing.
I purchased another Raspberry Pi, a D1 mini and a memory card then followed this superb guide to install & run Tuya-convert 2.4.3
I’ve successfully flashed several UK plugs (Splitinto, Jules.V, Anoopsyche, Connectbeat & Avatar) and a couple of bulbs but failed on 1 other bulb (Generic Unbranded ID = 2AJK8-LZ803) & 1 plug (Infray CS10ASUKA)
I’ve read some comments around the web that trying an older version of Tuya-convert might work, so I tried the same install procedure onto another memory card in my Pi but during the setup procedure I tried replacing the standard directory for the latest tuya-convert
with the directory for v2.4.1
but it would not work!!
Can anyone suggest what I’m doing wrong