Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Thanks @dunxd - I saw those Drayton valves when searching but couldn’t see if they were different to the other Drayton TRV4 valve bodies that I’d seen cheaper elsewhere. I think either those or Danfoss should be fine and seem to get generally good reviews.
Having our heating system drained down in a couple of weeks for a new bathroom fitment, so its the perfect time to swap the radiator valve bodies over for Wiser TRV head compatible ones while the system is empty of water!

@rr4444 No, only a wiser trv or thermostat can trigger the heating, its how wiser works. TBH Id leave the kitchen heater to HA to control via MQTT (like you are doing).

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Sounds like a plan, that’s exactly what I did 4 yrs ago!

So with regards to my earlier query, I can now confirm that none of the service buttons are working. Far from me offering this information as if it were a bug report that needs fixing; It’s more that I feel quite lost with how this all fits together. Between the ‘climate’ service(?), the various ‘wiser_*’ devices and entities and the way that messages are sent to the controller, etc.

Also I am left wondering - with the use of iTRVs and apart from the consideration of using semi accurate temperature measurements, what is the purpose of using a remote thermostat device? Feels pretty redundant from the app point of view.

Neither of these worked:

      - type: button
        name: Boost 30m
        icon: mdi:water-boiler
        template: icon_name
          action: call-service
          service: wiser.boost_hotwater
            time_period: 30
            entity_id: button.wiser_boost_hot_water
      - type: button
        name: Boost 1h
        icon: mdi:water-boiler
        template: icon_name
          action: call-service
          service: wiser.boost_hotwater
            time_period: 60

The heating one crashed the controller…:

      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: Boost 1h
            entity_id: climate.wiser_thermostat

Pedro, please see my earlier responses to your query. You are using the wrong entity. As I said, this may not make too much sense and when I get chance I will update the integration to allow you to use the button.boost_hotwater entity but for now you need to use select.wiser_hot_water_mode as the entity.

So for hot water boost your yaml should be

type: button
name: Boost 30m
icon: mdi:water-boiler
template: icon_name
  action: call-service
  service: wiser.boost_hotwater
    time_period: 30
    entity_id: select.wiser_hot_water_mode

Not sure what you mean by heating one crashed the controller. Does this entity_id exist? You would have had to call a room thermostat for this to be the case. If so, it should be:

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: climate.set_preset_mode
    preset_mode: Boost 1h
    entity_id: climate.wiser_thermostat
entity: climate.wiser_thermostat

You don’t have to but I usually add the entity so that you see the icons. You can also boost a room (for heating) with wiser.boost_heating service. This is more controllable than hot water (which is either on or off) by setting a temp to boost to or a delta temp to increase by. Calling the presets uses the default time and boost temp set in the config. Example of using wiser.boost_heating:

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: wiser.boost_heating
    time_period: 60
    temperature_delta: 2
    entity_id: climate.wiser_kitchen
entity: climate.wiser_kitchen

I would probably maybe try the developer tools to test your service call and then you can get the yaml from it to add to your button.

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I have been in the process of refurbishing my house over the last six months, which has resulted in me disconnecting iTRVs from radiators for long periods of time as we replaced all the radiators. I am completing this now, and have readded the iTRVs to the Wiser system. This has created a lot of duplicates in the HA devices list. I can easily identify the old devices as they either don’t have entities, or the entities show as unavailable.

What should I do about the duplicate devices and entities? Will they get cleaned up automatically over time, or is there a manual way to remove them?

I usually just delete them manually.

You have to delete the entities manually but then you can use the remove orphaned devices service to remove the empty remaining devices.


Thanks for that. I wasn’t aware of the Drayton Wiser Integration for Home Assistant: Remove Orphaned Devices service. It’s available in Developer Tools > Services and you can just search for “Orphan” to find it. I needed to copy the Hub name from its device details page.

There were some entities from a smart plug that I renamed that I couldn’t delete. I found reference to these on the Developer Tools > Statistics page, with a Fix Issue button next to it, which brought up a message about long term statistics, and an option to Remove. I did that, and then reloaded HA. After that I was able to delete the entities and run the Remove Orphaned Devices service again, which finally removed the last unneeded devices!

All cleaned up!

Apologies if these have been asked / answered before, this thread has gotten quite popular and its tough to read through.

  1. I get an error if I boost any room:

Failed to call service climate/set_preset_mode. String value is None for dictionary value @ data['preset_mode']

Yet it boosts fine and both HA and Wiser show correctly. I’ve never noticed this error before, is this new?

  1. If I turn a room off, the target temp drops to -20. Is there a way to get it to drop to something more sensible, like the away temp or another fixed temp, as the drops mess the graphs up.

Thanks, as ever, for this great integration. My father in law got a wiser system after seeing mine and now he’s jealous of HA and the integration so I suspect I’ll be creating him a RPI based HA soon!

Pete, not seen the preset error before and the target temp, when off, should set to null on the intefration. -20 is the target temp the hub actually sets to when off as it has no off mode as such but we kind of fix that in the integration. What version are you using?

I’m on integration v3.1.5, HAOS 9.0 and HA 2022.9.4

As I said, it’s working in that both Wiser and HA update to show its boosting and the setpoint does go up OK but I just get that error. Also, if I boost everything at once, I don’t get the error, it only if I boost any individual device.

The heating has been enabled all summer - we just let the winter schedules run over as it never gets cold enough to fire up the boiler so I wouldn’t have tried to boost anything since the spring so can’t say if it affected earlier versions.

As for the off point, that would be very nice if possible.


Just tested the boost and i also see same error. Will look at for next release.

As for off, this should already do this. I have set one of mine to off and will look at graph when has logged for an hour or so. Can you post a screenshot of how you see it to make sure looking in same place.


I have a graph showing the current and target temps attributes:

And you can see it here too:

If you look in the history of the climate entity, it doesn’t show the value dropping.

Is this a template sensor? Can you provide your yaml code if so. Is see the lts target temp sensor shows -20C when off but if you are getting it from the climate sensor it give a null value which will then display like the graph on climate entity

No, its coming from the integeration:

Ah ok got it. This is the LTS sensor. I’ll make a change in next update to also set this to null if off.

This is my first serious attempt at some proper home automation with HA. Up til now I have just been using HA to monitor some environmental sensors and electricity use with a clamp meter.
I went with the Wiser system in large part due to this integration. So many thanks for creating it. (Schneider take note!)
Everything seems to be working well. One thing I don’t understand is the functionality of the heat button in a thermostat card (say one associated with a Wiser TRV). From what is the target temperature determined when this mode is activated?

Firstly welcome to our integration! The heat button basically puts the room/trv in manual mode. Ie the follow/not follow schedule setting in the wiser app. It will default the temperature to the last manual temp setting you used since starting HA. There is a setting in the integration config to determine what is uses if heat has not been set since starting HA to use current, min or scheduled temp. Hope that answers your question.

Understood. Thanks Mark.
It’s our first cool day today since summer. Maybe I have been a little stingy with the thermostat schedule but already I have detected some unauthorized TRV tampering. I may have to test the device lock :wink: