Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

and as if by magic. Many thanks. Fortunately I have no hair worth noting on the top of my head so that was safe :slight_smile:

This looks good @msp1974. I think this makes sense, as itā€™s optional and I agree itā€™s better to have this as a per room setting rather than across the board, as itā€™s more flexible that way.

One comment regarding UI, is that the text is getting very small when ā€˜Passive - Follow Schedule - Boost 29mā€™ is shown. Iā€™m wondering how that would look and how easy to read it would be in the mobile app? Rather than displaying ā€˜Passive - Follow Scheduleā€™, could it display ā€˜Passive - Scheduledā€™ to cut down characters? Just a thought.

Thatā€™s a pity about the bug in the thermostat card. Hopefully it will get fixed. Does it actually make sense to allow the max temperature to be adjustable when itā€™s set to follow the schedule? Could the max temperature slider be disabled in the card? Again, just a thought / observation, especially with the current bug.

I did think same about text.

Unfortunately you cannot disable max and if we just have single min temp showing then I donā€™t think that makes sense.

The card issue has already been responded too and is being looked at. I can do as a PR if no-one else does it.

Will see how issue gets on before releasing this and as you say, look at text bit.


@msp1974, thanks - changing to hass.services.call works as expected.

Looks like the fix for the thermostat card bug is just awaiting review and approval. :slight_smile:

The issue has been fixed and merged today, so I am guessing we will see it in the next update to HA.

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Yes seen that and tested it - works perfectly. Will work on finalising the code and release in the next few days.


Have you had any more joy with this? Iā€™m in the exact same boat. Sitting with a boiler that blasts away at 80C as soon as thereā€™s a high demand on it. Iā€™ve opened a ticket with Drayton to see what they can do as well.
Iā€™ve seen on other forums that Tado send a remote update if a user requests it to lower the max temp on Opentherm. So it shows it is technically possible.


Iā€™m trying to see if thereā€™s some potential interaction between the new passive mode and the external temperature sensor automation.

Iā€™m finding that a room seems to keep opening its valve even when thereā€™s no call for heating from that room.

Iā€™ve tried resetting the valve but no joy, and thereā€™s no indication that any of the Passive Mode states have been set true.

Is there a way to be sure that Passive Mode or itā€™s automation is definitely not running?

It is possible as the automation will try and boost it to meet the scheduled temp.

To be sure passive mode is not running, turn it off in config options (where you first enabled it).

@msp1974 I think I may have just found a bug in the Schedule Card for On/Off schedules e.g. Hot Water. Whenever I make a change and try and save it, the Save button just constantly spins and it never saves the schedule. I can edit the schedule fine in the Wiser app and Iā€™ve tried changing Heating schedules using the Schedule Card and they save fine. Is it just me thatā€™s experiencing this? If not, should I open an issue on GitHub?

I raised that issue a copy of weeks back and opened an issue on GitHub.

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This is fixed in the next release. I was going to try and do last night but have somehow broken the passive mode and cant see how. Will be soon i promise.

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@msp1974 Iā€™ve updated to v3.3.0 and played around a bit with passive mode. Iā€™ve enabled it in one room, looked for schedule integration (realised that bit is still in development) and disabled it. Seems like it resulted in stuck history card
Iā€™ve indicated with arrows when it happened, but after disabling passive mode it doesnā€™t seem to return to displaying current target temperature. Maybe this will resolve once min/max is no longer visible in chart, but though to let you know anyway.
My guess was correct - once min/max section happened more than 24h ago chart started to work again

@msp1974 Iā€™m using the vertical-stack-in-card a lot in my dashboards to combine multiple cards together without borders. When using it with the Schedule Card, the borders remain.

You can see the rounded corners and the lines at the top, bottom and side of the embedded card. These disappear on all other cards. Do you have any idea why the Schedule Card behaves differently from other cards? The Passive Heating entry is an entities card using the collapsable fold-entity-row card and the title is using the Markdown card. Hereā€™s the yaml:

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: markdown
    content: '## Schedules and Passive Heating'
  - type: custom:wiser-schedule-card
    admin_only: true
    show_badges: true
    theme_colors: false
    display_only: false
    view_type: default
    name: ' '
  - type: entities
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          entity: binary_sensor.passive_trvs_heating_demand
          name: Passive Heating
          - entity: switch.sewing_room_climate_passive_mode
            name: Sewing Room Passive Heating
          - entity: switch.spare_room_climate_passive_mode
            name: Spare Room Passive Heating
          - entity: switch.garage_climate_passive_mode
            name: Garage Passive Heating
    state_color: true

I use vertical-stack with:

in_card: true

that gets rid of the borders.

I used to use the custom card but I thought it was now part of the lovelace UI hence me changing to vertical-stack

Hereā€™s an example of my yaml using this

type: vertical-stack
title: Kitchen
in_card: true
  - type: light
    name: Dining
    entity: light.kitchen_dining
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-multiple
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: light
        name: Sink
        entity: light.sink_strip
      - type: light
        name: Oven
        entity: light.oven_strip
      - type: light
        name: Island
        entity: light.island_strip
  grid-area: t1

and here is the result


maybe that helps?

EDIT: just tried this in the vertical stack and the wiser schedule card does not obey this command.
I should have done this before posting.
So Iā€™m sorry for the red herring.

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Thanks and no worries for the red herring. Iā€™ll always use the native options if they will do what Iā€™m after over a custom option, so it is really useful to know anyway!

When did that get added to the native vertical stack card? Itā€™s not documented that I can see.

Iā€™ve just tested it with a couple of cards and it looks like it doesnā€™t work if youā€™re mixing card types?

  grid-area: t1

Also appears to be an undocumented option. What does that do?

You are probably correct, I donā€™t think I have mixed card types

If I remember correctly it was documented as part of the custom card you use - but that was moons ago, or maybe in a blog relating to it???

  grid-area: t1

Its part of the grid layout view - where to place the card in the grid
again a red herring for your issue, I should have edited that out.

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@jamiebennett Can this be used in place of a Room Thermostat? It seems to be suggested here that it can. This is exactly what we need, a small screenless sensor.

Wiser does support that Temperature sensor but not with the hubs sold in the UK unfortunately.