Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Ah ok, yes that is something i hadnt noticed. Cant find your code atm but what threshold were you setting for demand to be ‘active’?

On your other points.
Yes they will be standard colours and this cannot be changed in HA but probably can in cardmod. I will work out the specifics.

I dont know if using Passive Auto necessarily conveys what it is doing versus Follow Schedule. I agree that maybe its not needed at all. Will think about this but also welxome feedback from others.

The automation code runs on every hub update so no delay like in an automation as this is not necessary. What was your delay there to achieve?

Thanks for testing and great feedback.

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It was basically heating_demand != 0 for any active TRV. Changing to that should put a lot less stress on the iTRVs and almost certainly use less battery, not that I have noticed a problem with battery drain mind you.

Thanks Mark, I am not too good with card-mod, at least not in identifying the parts of the card that need changing, so probably more that I don’t really know CSS than anything else.

Sure, I don’t think it matters too much, it was really just an observation.

Ah, OK, forget that last point then, I needed it in the automation to check and adjust every 15 minutes in the loop.

Haven’t managed to test out the new passive mode yet but just noticed a bug that I think is related directly to the wiser firmware but not totally sure.
When in away mode, if the heating in a room is off but is then changed to auto, the temperature remains at the scheduled temperature, not away mode temperature. Can anyone else reproduce this?

I asked the question regarding constant vs variable for the pump in the YouTube comments of Drayton’s latest training video for auto-balancing valves and the answer from Drayton is as follows:

Constant speed is the preferred option however variable speed will be fine so long as the flow rate doesn’t drop below the minimum required for the system (this will be based on kW output).

Just a bit more on this. Definitely seems to be an issue in the wiser firmware not this integration as it occurs when just using the wiser app as well. It only occurs when climate is set to off when away mode is already on. Then, if the room climate is reverted to follow schedule, instead of returning to away mode temperature, the current ‘home’ schedule temperature is selected. @jamiebennett is this intentional or a bug?

Here’s a link back to my code earlier in the thread for the Active TRVs Heating Demand binary sensor I created that was used to determine when the Passive TRVs should be on.

If you wanted to, I guess you could have an option that allows the user to determine the percentage heating demand threshold rather than just using above/not zero. Just a thought and not entirely sure it’s necessary though.

I’ve just noticed several errors in my HA logs from last night, which I haven’t experienced before:

Logger: custom_components.wiser.coordinator
Source: custom_components/wiser/coordinator.py:138
Integration: Drayton Wiser Integration for Home Assistant (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15 March 2023 at 20:47:06 (19 occurrences)
Last logged: 01:19:03

Connection timeout trying to communicate with Wiser Hub for url
Connection error trying to communicate with Wiser Hub for url Error is Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 80)]

No updates, restarts or changes to my system yesterday, and I can see that my Ping sensor which pings the Wiser hub, showed readings of 0ms when this error first occurred also when it last occurred, but in-between it was pinging fine

The drops in ping could just be down to the long running dropouts issue (which should be improved on the latest Hub firmware which I’ve been on since release), but I hadn’t experienced many dropouts on on the previous Hub firmware at all, and certainly not had this error logged before yesterday.

I seem to be getting the same message. Interestingly I am get a similar message about my Google Home Mini chromecast heatbeat so wonder if it is a HA issue. My logs only seem to go back a couple day so I can tell when this started.

I get these errors whenever the connection drops to my Hub. They correlate exactly with the WiFi dropouts that I am still experiencing after the firmware update, but are now at least reconnecting withing 5 minutes, rather than taking hours as before.

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New app v6.2.0 released. I cant see any improvements so dont know what the release addresses.

Heat Source Type setting is finally fixed - it correctly shows saved value now.
Other things non UK related as we can’t add those devices :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Does anyone who’s good with CSS and Card Mod know what’s wrong with this? I’m trying to change the thermostat slider (and handles) colour, but struggling to work it out.

type: thermostat
entity: climate.garage_climate
name: Garage
  style: >-
    {%- if is_state('switch.garage_climate_passive_mode', 'on') -%}
      ha-card #round-slider #svg > slider > bar { stroke: var(--state-binary-sensor-color) }
    {%- endif -%}

But we still can’t see or change 5he relay type.

What was that previous option for relay type anyway? I never understood what that was. A relay is a relay surely?

Maybe by relay type he means OpenTherm mode (which is not relay) vs non OpenTherm mode (actual relay). I think that setting is available only during setup.

Ah, yes, I just checked and there is no choice between OpenTherm or Relay. I’m sure there used to be actually now I think about it. There was a third choice of Relay On/Off Compensation or something I was thinking of, which I never understood, that I was referring to, but there is no option at all anymore.

The option to select relay type disappeared with the update to v6.1.5. The only way to change relay type now is to do a fresh install! There were 3 options as Robert has said, On/Off, Opentherm, On/Off Load Compensation.

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After a lot of reading and trial and error I have finally worked out how to modify the Thermostat Card slider colour. Additionally, I changed the colour of the Auto and Heat buttons to match when in Passive Mode.


You can change the colour to anything you want and don’t have to use the variable state-binary-sensor-color. You can use any of the variables here or choose any colour by specifying it’s hex code e.g. #FFC107.

Here’s the code in case anyone else wants to do this.

type: thermostat
entity: climate.garage_climate
name: Garage
  style: >-
    {%- if is_state_attr(config.entity, 'preset_mode', 'Passive(M)') or is_state_attr(config.entity, 'preset_mode', 'Passive(FS)') -%}
      ha-card {
        --state-climate-heat-color: var(--state-binary-sensor-color) !important;
        --state-climate-auto-color: var(--state-binary-sensor-color) !important;
      round-slider {
        --round-slider-bar-color: var(--state-binary-sensor-color) !important;
    {%- elif is_state(config.entity, 'off') -%}
      round-slider {
        --round-slider-bar-color: var(--state-climate-idle-color) !important;
    {%- endif -%}

Edited: Code updated to use config.entity instead of the switch.roomname_passive_mode state, which means this can be copied and pasted to all Thermostat Cards without needing to modify the entity it’s referencing and also to fix a problem with the slider handle still showing the modified colour instead of the normal ‘Off’ colour (grey) when the heating is switched off.

On/Off Load Compensation was the one I never really understood. What is that and what’s the difference between that and On/Off i.e. Relay? A relay can only ever be on/off. If anyone knows I would be interested to understand the difference.

Below was provided to me by Schneider support…

Relay - On/Off Load compensation algorithm executed with mechanical switch (called relay).

OpenTherm - Modulation algorithm executed with OpenTherm interface (no mechanical switches)

ON/OFF load compensation - On/Off Load compensation algorithm executed with OpenTherm interface (no mechanical switches)
Both OpenTherm and ON/OFF load compensation require OpenTherm compatibility and connection.

Relay should be used when you do not have an OpenTherm boiler.

The additional option was made available to allow OpenTherm users to chose whether they would like to use a modulation algorithm or ON/OFF load compensation.

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