Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

That makes a lot of sense.

Now the card seems to work.

I have the current temperature and the setpoint that changes according to the settings of the CCRFR6400.

Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-03-04 160800

But now I have the following question:
How do I trigger a relay when it needs to heat???

I have done an automation that triggers a relay when the HVAC mode changes, BUT, the HVAC mode never changes automatically according to the set point. So it’s not the right way to configure it.

Also, the heating icon is never on on the device, although the setpoint temperature is higher than the current temperature. I don’t understand how that CCRFR6400 works :-S

OK, so been very busy on the integration today, trying to resolve the many issues that seem to be popping up as HA makes changes. Yes, I can very much empathise with Alex and other devs! :unamused:

There will be a new release later today but just wanted to let you know that I think I have made a decision on the target temp sensor when off. It seems best to set this to unavailable after reading through lots of code and forum posts. Other options considered:

  1. Setting to 0C - this was always a fudge and i didn’t like it
  2. Setting to None - seems this can cause issues with other integrations like Google home.
  3. Setting to Unknown - this is not a bad option but think unavailable makes more sense as that is what it is when climate is off.

Anyway, unless some big push back, I will use Unavailable and we can see how we get on. It will leave a gap in the history card, which I also think makes sense.

EDIT: Sorry should thank @Chaoscontrol for pointing me to article - it really helped.


sounds good @msp1974 Thank you for all the effort you put in.

Interesting link from @Chaoscontrol, it actually explains another issue I did not actually realise this was what I was seeing with my ecowitt windchill being unknown with gaps in the data


I have just released v3.4.4 with a number of bug fixes and a significant rework of the hub update handling to try and fix the issues experienced by a number of people since the aiohttp issues back in Dec.

I have noticed that this can seem a little slower to perform some actions but they should be more reliable for those experiencing issues. I can work on the speed if we have reliability and will keep working on that.

Let me know on the github repo of any issues. Thanks.

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It all looks ok so far - had everything go unavailable for 30 secs but that will have been the update from the hub I suppose.

I notice an icon change for passive presets - from a large dot, but it is not the usual icon for preset. It looks like a house with thermometer stuck to it.
( mdi:home-thermometer )
My knee jerk is it should be the normal preset icon, for consistency in my dashboards. but its better than a large dot :laughing:

I also note that the drop down options have new icons as well.

Update: if you use the icons instead of the drop down for the climate preset modes feature, the new icons are good. :+1:

I didnt actually mean to push those. Was just playing around with how it worked. Anyway, glad you like them. What is the standard icon for presets?

@msp1974 On a three channel hub, it appears that one of the channels is going unavailable after the update to 3.4.4.


Reverting to 3.4.3, brings back nomal operation and availability. Strangely, this is Channel 1, rather than Channel 3.

The standard preset icon looks like it is mdi:slider, according to this.


But I cannot get it to work within HA

Can you send me a diagnostics. Thx

Strange. The icon is still showing as a slider for me, same as it was in 3.4.3:


Thats because you’re not in passive mode :slight_smile:

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Yes, will do ASAP. This is on my Dad’s setup, not on mine, so may take me a bit longer than normal to get them.

Ah, right. Yes, I see it now with Passive Mode on.


Thats wierd? Mine was blank, so added an icon that will show. I’ll change to slider icon but no idea why its different in passive mode versus not.

Can you tell me more about these 2 rooms, What is in them? Does 1 have a trv and 1 not?

He has a 3 channel hub. Channel 1 is ‘Downstairs’, channel 2 is “Hot Water” and Channel 3 is “Upstairs”. There are no iTRVs in either room/zone, just a room thermostat in each.

He has one other room called “Kitchen”, which is an Electrical Heat Switch and room thermostat controlling a plinth heater. There are no other rooms related to the central heating though.

Some more information. Demand for all three channels becomes “Unknown”:


I have the diagnostics file. What’s the best way to get this to you? Shall I open an issue on GitHub?

Yes please

not sure if this is on purpose or just bug, but my Kitchen has no climate controls, only a smart plug, but I get a Climate entity (not unavailable) and a Target Temperature that is unavailable.

I have disabled for now, but it just a heads up.