Drayton Wiser Integration Communication with hub

I’ve got a Drayton Wiser setup which works fine when I can connect to it with wifi. Unfortunately it’s in the garage and wifi is rather poor. So I’ve created an access point using hostapd access point on a system which is also in the garage (but with wired ether).

The Wiser hub connects to the hostapd AP and I can can ping it happily. However I cannot connect to it using either the Android app or Home-Assistant wiser integration.

I get errors like this:

Connection timeout trying to communicate with Wiser Hub wiserheat0395f2.lingbrae. Error is HTTPConnectionPool(host='wiserheat0395f2.lingbrae', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /data/v2/domain/ (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f1580c5c400>, 'Connection to wiserheat0395f2.lingbrae timed out. (connect timeout=5)'))

I really don’t understand what’s wrong. There’s something in the protocol or communication that is not getting through.

There is an iptables firewall because I run docker on the system with hostapd. I’m wondering if there’s a port I need to open other than http.

Any ideas?

What color is the del? you can make a power cycle on the wiser hub…
You can find information and help on this forum:

LED is green. It is connected - I can ping it successfully. I’ve power cycled.

What is happening is it’s not responding to SYN packets when I attempt to http connect. I think it receives the SYN but the SYN-ACK is not finding its way back because after a timeout period it sends a not authorised message. So it must have received something.

You can find information and help on this forum:

I don’t know how to post directly on that forum. There’s no “new topic” button. It seems to be a single thread 5 years long.

Have you tried connecting via IP instead of host name. If you have v3.1.7 of the integration, you can change the host address in the i tegration config options. Wonder if this is a dns issue?

In answer to your specific question, it only needs port 80 for the integration. However, the app uses mdns to find the hub on the network, so this could be different issues for each method and i wonder if it is also not able to receive mdns requests.

It’s not DNS, that works fine. I don’t know how to find version of integration. Such ignorance :frowning:

It could be mdns. I think I might have problem there, I’ll investigate. It doesn’t explain why response to http appears to fail.

Thanks for your help.

It’s taken me hours to puzzle this out. It transpires that my big network switch does not pass/forward broadcast packets. Probably a configuration issue. So I’ve got mdns to work; I can resolve and ping etc and also DNS works.

However when wiser is connected via hostapd neither the app nor HA works with it despite it appearing to be OK. app doesn’t find it and HA timeouts. Wierd :thinking:

My question is: do I have to restart HA in order to reestablish connection with wiser if it’s gone offline for bit?

EDIT: Sorry think you have said you tired this. I’m not sure where to help you next. Does the app connect (presume on your phone) when not on your wifi? Ie on 4G? This talks to the wiser cloud and the cloud then talks to your hub (green light indicates you do have a cloud connection). If that also doesn’t work, I would be tempted to simplify your network to get it working and then put it back one step at a time until it fails again to know which bit is the problem.

No you should not need to restart HA if it goes offline. It will keep trying every 30 secs.

To eliminate whether this is some HA issue or networking, have you tried to connect to the hub via browser? ie http://wiserheat0395f2.lingbrae ? You should get a

Error: "Unauthorized"

response from it if you have connectivity.