As some of you running this brilliant addition to our household may have noticed, the Z10 Pro does not like small leaves, sticks and other slightly larger debree in its dust bin. It tends to get stuck and just one “auto empty” is not enough to “unstick” it.
But of course there is home assistant to the rescue with an automation for that. It runs an x amount of extra auto empty cycles with 30 sec. intervals:
Start off with a helper (input_number.auto_empty_vacuum_repeat / icon: mdi:repeat-variant / min: 1 / max: 10)
Then create a script:
alias: Z10Pro Auto Empty
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: valetudo/Z10pro/AutoEmptyDockManualTriggerCapability/trigger/set
payload: PERFORM
mode: single
icon: mdi:vacuum
and last but not least the automation to call the script as many times as you set in the input_number:
- id: '1661506951446'
alias: Extra Auto Empty Vacuum
description: ''
- platform: state
- vacuum.valetudo_z10pro
from: returning
to: docked
condition: []
- repeat:
count: '{{ states.input_number.auto_empty_vacuum_repeat.state | int }}'
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 30
milliseconds: 0
- service: script.z10pro_auto_empty
data: {}
mode: single
Hope someone finds this helpful.