DreamScreen / Bluetooth LE?

Hey guys. I’m debating attempting this myself, since it sounds fairly easy in my head, but I’m by no means a coder. I have a DreamScreen on my main living room TV that appears to be a bluetooth LE device. It shows up on an LE scanner I have, and I can read and write codes to it.

Couple questions I have. Has anyone tried this before? Can the Pi3 transmit bluetooth codes through HA? The remote app that I use for DreamScreen essentially has four modes, so I’m assuming there are four codes I would need to find.

If anyone would be willing to help it would be awesome!! Thank you.

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I’d really like to do something like that, but haven’t really looked at the bluetooth functionality yet. The Android app for DreamScreen is not really working on my phone so was hoping to solve it through HASS instead.

I’ll let you know if I find anything useful.