Is it possible to create a dropdown helper with a list of some of my speakers (google) that shows their friendly name and then I can use that helper for tts? I can use the UI to create a dropdown helper but if I use the speakers’ friendly names I don’t know how to transform that into an entity_id so i can use it with tts.
A ‘quick-and-dirty’ approach would be to use entity_id’s that can be derived from the friendly names. In order to do so you can apply the slugify
Although this essentially amounts to guessing, it might work for you. Otherwise you need to loop over the speakers and compare names to retrieve the entity_id.
I use the following to select between my Alexa’s so I have a central place I can quickly do tts or type in commands if I want to:
With more recent additions to templating you may be able to acheive something similar without manually creating the mapper/dictionary, but still relatively efficiently compared to other methods. In this case, the options for the Input select needs to match the name of the entity. I don’t use Google home so I can’t tell you exactly what will be needed as your filter. For Alexa devices it would look something like the following In a script…
target: >
{% set x = states('input_select.alexa_state') %}
{{ expand(integration_entities('alexa_media'))
| selectattr('name', 'eq', x)
| map(attribute='entity_id') | join() }}
- service: notify.notify
message: The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.
target: '{{ target }}'
Thanks. I can get things to work inside the developer tools but when I try to put it all together inside a card I cannot get it to work. This is the code that I wrote:
type: entities
- entity: input_select.announcement_speaker
- entity: input_text.announcement_text
type: custom:text-input-row
name: Message
- type: call-service
name: ' '
icon: mdi:voice
action_name: Announce It...
service: tts.google_say
message: '{{ states(''input_text.announcement_text'') }}'
entity_id: '{{ states(''input_text.announcement_speaker'') }}'
When I click Announce it
i get the following error
Failed to call service tts/google_say. required key not provided @ data['entity_id']
Most dashboard cards do not accept templates… that is why, in the provided example, the call service in the card fires a script and the script handles the logic and templates.
Did this ever get solved for Google Mini?