Dryer informs me several times - Automation has to be improved


I use to test my dryer a TP Link HS110 Switch Engine.
I will be notified as soon as the dryer is ready. (Pushover App)

This also works very well.
But I have a question.
My dryer turns every 10 minutes when it's ready so that the watt count is higher than 1.5 again.
Thats what i am actually checking.
For my wash mashine this works also perfect.
I get then every 10minutes again a message.
Do you have an idea how I can get the whole thing only 1x per drying process? 

- alias: Dryer finished
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.dryer_watts
    below: 1.5
    service: notify.pushover
      title: Trockner ist fertig
      message: Dryer ready

Create an input boolean.

Write an automation to turn it on when the power draw goes over say 100 watts, this way HA knows a load has started.

Add an action to your automation above to turn off the boolean when the automation triggers. Also add a condition to the automation that the boolean has to be on. That should ensure you only get a notification after the machine has been run and only once.

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Thank you.
Can you help me how it could look as a code?
Actually i dont know how to build it.

Create an input boolean

Use a state condition for the current automation.

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Thank you.
Can you help me how it could look as a code?
Actually i dont know how to build it.

Thank you.
Can you help me how it could look as a code?
Actually i dont know how to build it.