DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

Hello, for the Doorbell event I have created an Rest Sensor - the same as in the first post:

For open the Door, I have testet the HikConnect Custom Integration also from the first post - that works for me:

Ok thanks, so for the doorpress i would like to anounce through alexa player if someone pressed the doorbell, any idea how i can do that, through automations or script?

claudio@ubuntu20jitsinuc6:~/test$ python3.7 hik.py
loop[2] find 5 mac and 9 ip
Segmentation fault

I try the route of the hardware. Wish to use a spare Shelly1 instead of an NodeMcu.

The cable COM1 and NO1, should go in I and O of the Shelly1, and then program the Shelly as momentary switch, or?

Can anyone tell me how to change the entity to a cover so I can ask Google to “open” rather than “turn on”

I try the route of the hardware. Wish to use a spare Shelly1 instead of an NodeMcu.

I am following this guide

@pergola.fabio you think this will not damage the Hikviusion? Which I put in SW and which on L (COM1 to SW and NO1 to L or viceversa?)

Try creating a template cover, or create a routine in google

On indoor or outdoor? On my indoor , when I did calling linkage, there was no voltage, it was just a relay that closed…

For the door relay, that’s something else, if you want to trigger a door open, then there is offcourse output voltage, coming from your door… I believe it was for me 24v… Nodemcu was only 3.3 , so created a voltage divider with resistor to bring it back

Indoor for doorbell press event

ok, thats easy, no voltage on it, just an open/close contact

Shelly1 is not connecting on my WiFi when on 12V … oh Gosh there is always something.

I found an old Nodemcu, will try that, do you use the ESPHOME? Can you share your code?

Indeed, esphome… Code? Was just an input sensor, 2 lines of code :slight_smile:

A bit rusty, o this, on the nodemcu need to use two GPIO?

NO1 to GPIO2


  - platform: gpio
    id: button
    name: Doorbell Button
      number: GPIO2
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
      # Small filter, to debounce the button press.
      - delayed_on: 25ms
      - delayed_off: 25ms

Yeah, think so, just test :slight_smile:

Ok, it works, :slight_smile: thanks for all

Is there a way to make the phone ring instead of a notification?

Thanks for all the great work on this integration. It allows me to easily open my gate from HomeAssistant.

Now, a crazy question:
I’d like to add a button to HomeAssistant which will trigger the doorbell on the HikVision outdoor post, as if someone pressed the button. Why? We’re trying to train our puppy, and with Covid and all, we don’t get too many people ringing the doorbell :smiley: So anyone knows the ISAPI call I could make for that?

setup your own PBX server? like asterisk?

Oh right, didn’t think of that. Would that make the indoor unit ring?

It’s just a sip extension, you can call if from any other sip client

Oh right. I use a Fritzbox here for my DECT phones, I guess I should be able to connect that.