DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

If you use a softphone or hikconnect, you always know someone was at your home?
I send a Push notification too to my android, with a screen capture of the person who visited… also created actions to open or hangup the call from within the notification

Btw, created a paypal donation :slight_smile:

for the ones who are interested :slight_smile:

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I’m not a fan of hikconnect (at least on iOS) since you don’t see the person unless you have taken up the call. Me too I’ve made push notifications for calls with attached screen capture to remotely see who’s at the door BEFORE deciding if I want to take up the call on my mobile.

Btw PayPal worked fine :wink:

ah, didnt see anyhting on paypal, strange?
EDIT: ok, see it, i didnt got an email !! thnx for the donation, appreciate it!

Yeah, im working on an Addon, so you can use whatever softphone you like based on SIP, and i’m injecting the RTSP stream as Early media, before answering the call

On android Hikconnects shows the early video tough, strange it doesnt work on IOS… but i’m not a fan of hikconnect either… i use Linhome , its a compact edition from linphone, especially for door intercoms…
The nice thing is , you can setup dtmf commands, so within a call, you can press a button to turn on light for example, or open the door

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Yes, I thing there are restrictions in iOS which might cause this early video issue. Linhome seems very apealing - I’ll give it a try, but must first setup the sip settings. (Or may be I’ll first wait for your next big thing (Addon) to make this perfect) :sweat_smile:

Edit: does Linhome currently show a snapshot of the caller at least? So that you can see anything before taking up the call? (On Android at least)

Yeah, it previews early media, it also records the call…

The addon I’m creating is for people with indoor stations, if you don’t have one, you can already setup your device on sip… Linhome offers a free flexisip PBX server, it includes push technology too…

Just setup 2 accounts here:


Enable your device with sip, and let it call your other sip account… That should be it…

One maybe, I have a ds-ks8003, for some reason I was unable to directly register on sip.linhome.org, not sure why, not traced it yet, but maybe it works on your device

EDIT: i figured out why i was not able to directy register on sip.linhome.org, seems it doesnt like letters, you need make a account using numbers only, like [email protected]

If it doesn’t work, you need to setup Asterisk, that will forward the call to Linhome … You can already start then with the asterisk addon and try to setup your device already and make some calls… It will also have early media, no need for my addon

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if you cant register directly on sip.linhome.org from your device , setup asterisk, you should have it up and running in 5 min if you use the asterisk addon:
GitHub - TECH7Fox/asterisk-hass-addons: Asterisk add-on for Home Assistant

PS: only if you dont have an indoor station… , otherwise you need to wait for my addon, because when you setup indoor stations as SIP clients, they dont have early media anymore

Just install, then setup this in pjsip_custom.conf , it will create an extension 6000 , afterwards register your doorstation as user 6000 on your asterisk





Afterwards create a dialplan, configure your doorstation to call for example 6001, then add this in your dialplan, create that “SOMEUSER” at the subscripe.linhome.org and register your linhome apllication on it…


exten => 6001,1,NoOp() 
 same => n,Progress()
 same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=Doorbell)
 same => n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Doorbell) 
 same => n,Dial(PJSIP/outgoing-flexisip/sip:[email protected]) 

Done!! :slight_smile:
the beaty of linhome, you can setup multiple contacts on the same user, so they all start ringing and they all have early media

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Yes that’s the point: I have an indoor station KH8350, and I’m afraid when I change the protocol on the KD8003 door station to SIP, it won’t call the indoor station anymore. I think I’ll better wait for your add-on :slight_smile:

ah, you have an indoor, in asterisk you can setup ring groups, that will call mutiple endpoinins, including your indoor… But the biggest problem, is the indoor stations dont support early video when SIP is enabled… thats why i created the addon, to also have early video support on indoor screens…

My addon registers as an extension to indoor, just like another real indoor device…
But you need also Asterisk, you can already set it up

For now, you can use this addon , start with it, but i remove it soon, because it doesnt support early video , but if you understand this one and can set it up, then my next addon will be peace of cake

(below one will be removed soon)

@vobele , new addon is added!!!

Holy moly that was quick… :sweat_smile: I’m not sure how fast I will be able to dive into this, but let me thank you already, that’s all freaky awesome!

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Yeah , was already testing somedays, finetuned the dialplan… Working very good , finally early video on my softphone!!! And in my indoor stations too

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Must have this - desperately! The only thing is while the family is at home, it’s hard to work and test this on a live environment :sweat_smile:

There is no impact on your live environment, you don’t need to change anything on your Hikvision hardware, it will stay working, even if you configure / stop / start / test the addon :slight_smile:

pergola.fabio Hi, I have outdoor station DS-KD8003-IME1 (FW 2.2.56 220713) and indoor station DS-KH9510-WTE1(B) (FW 2.1.74 221110, only WiFi connected). I am using your SDK Addon and i have working all sensors for outdoor station but I am not able reject call. I have set indoor station IP address but in log after reject is this message:

Trying reject the call... Stdin message: reject
Inputbuffer: {"CallSignal":{"cmdType":"reject"}}
Response buffer: {
	"statusCode":	4,
	"statusString":	"Invalid Operation",
	"subStatusCode":	"noRequest",
	"errorMsg":	"noRequest",
	"errorCode":	1073770506
Response output: 
Result error: 29

What can be wrong?

I have one more outdoor station DS-KV8113-WME1(B) which is set as “Main door station”, KD8003 is set as secondary door station in KH9510.

Thank you for your help.

What do you want todo, abort call before answer or when already answered? Because the command is different then, it can be indeed, reject, cancle, hangup…
Be carefull about capitals, the keyword is case sensitive

I want abort call before answer. I have tested “reject” and “hangUp”. In example code i see [“answer”, “reject”, “bellTimeout”, “hangUp”, “deviceOnCall”].

Hmm, I do a reject, it works for me … I have 9310 as indoor… Maybe try cancle or cancel …
Or maybe it’s not supported on your indoor :frowning:

You are actually doing a call right when testing? Because you only get a 200 response on ‘reject’ when there is actually a real call

I will test all possibilities tomorrow and i will let you know. Now I am testing without calling because it is too late and my child is sleeping. But i tested it with call in afternoon, maybe log info was different. Thank you so much.