try this also: but not with an curl tester, this command should retrieve a live event file that gets updated, maybe usefill for doorpress event or swipe event, so you dont have to poll
not sure if its post/get/put : /ISAPI/Event/notification/alertStream
body to send :
"AcsEventCond": {
"searchID": "",
/*required, string type, search ID, which is used to confirm the upper-level platform or system. If the platform or the
system is the same one during two searching, the search history will be saved in the memory to speed up next
"searchResultPosition": "",
/*required, integer, the start position of the search result in the result list. When there are multiple records and you
cannot get all search results at a time, you can search for the records after the specified position next time*/
"maxResults": "",
/*required, integer, maximum number of search results. If maxResults exceeds the range returned by the device
capability, the device will return the maximum number of search results according to the device capability and will not
return error message*/
"major": ,
/*required, integer, major alarm/event types (the type value should be transformed to the decimal number), see
Access Control Alarm Types for details*/
"minor": ,
/*required, integer, minor alarm/event types (the type value should be transformed to the decimal number), see
Access Control Alarm Types for details*/
"startTime": "",
/*optional, string, start time (UTC time), e.g., 2016-12-12T17:30:08+08:00*/
"endTime": "",
/*optional, string, end time (UTC time), e.g.,2017-12-12T17:30:08+08:00*/
"cardNo": "",
/*optional, string, card No.*/
"name": "",
/*optional, stringļ¼cardholder name*/
"picEnable": ,
/*optional, boolean, whether to contain pictures: "false"-no, "true"-yes*/
"beginSerialNo": ,
/*optional, integer, start serial No.*/
"endSerialNo": ,
/*optional, integer, end serial No.*/
/*optional, string, employee No. (person ID)*/
/*optional, string, event attribute: "attendance"-valid authentication, "other"*/
/*optional, string, employee No. (person ID)*/
/*optional, boolean, whether to return events in descending order of time (later events will be returned first): trueyes,
false or this node is not returned-no*/